Friday, December 31, 2004

Dispersed Matter, Cantor Dust...Topological Dimension of Zero...Zero Pressure Cannot Harm Thee Child...

The Mother came home to find Lockheed Hayheehoo wrapped in burkha garb, deep in concentration in the ethereal pit stop, trying to find a way to prevent the next tsunami... Hausdorff dimensions as safety zones; log8/log3 = 1.897. The perfect mix of matter and antimatter. A third eye in the Persian Saharan Desert... perhaps the best terrain to house the next Major Displacement of Water... She recently formed a Children's Army with Curious George, giving him 'ceremonial' Treasurer status(she's actually in charge of all the number crunching but she didn't want to leave George out because he would get sad), and is trying to gather funds for the children of the calamity... Did you see the footage of the little boy in his father's videocam... he was mesmerized at the disturbance in the sea, and actually sat down to watch it before it swept him away... his baby sister playful in the camera, like all children, the father oblivious, so pleased with his cheap 8mm camcorder... I once again was brought to near tears... the tape survived, I hope that his little family did too... I will buy him the best digital camera with video from Samsung, of course I'll have to put it on further credit.. and shed my epidermis further.Posted by Hello


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