Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I Know Many Fine Feathered Friends Whose Friendliness Depends On How You Do...

I return home on the 3 Express with a well nourished migraine and 800mg of ibuprofen in my gut to find an overly energetic Curious George watching the men place scaffolding on the building across the street where B to the occasional A rate actors seem to live for a few years at a time. In other news, the MPH(mexicans per household) indicator once again accurately projected the rip roaring 4.7% gain in housing starts for January... I should really throw away all of my hard work and ascetism since the age of inception and that coveted ivy league education, scoop myself a yellow hardhat and some bad manners and some racism and sexism and bigotry and a big blue 'Igloo' lunch box and two cuts of lunch meats and look for some construction work in Scarsdale or Annandale or Queens or Brooklyn if the housing market is that filthy hot... This lone fucker is shouting dumbness outside on Broadway so I'm going to try those earplugs I got from mother on valentine's. Posted by Hello


At 3:17 AM, Blogger joshua walker said...

I can't sleep, hay, and I'm riding the downside of some advil liquid-gel-capsules myself, a few bolts of whiskey (between friends) - only writing, to no one in particular HA HA HA - san francisco is lovely for lunch, too, my friend. I even have a car I can pick you up in. Thanks for the odd comment Here and there - not to sound desperate, but it reduces the Joyce-inspired edge. A little.


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