Wednesday, June 08, 2005

All But Dead...

So trading the DIA(dow tracker) on retracements after a 100 point day up or down has proven to be effective with an 90% probabilility since the bottom in April... Why I can't pull the trigger I don't know... LU and NT are completely shoddy now... A guest on CNBC voiced concerns about those who did not benefit from the supposed 'recovery'... that would be me, in fact, I've been approaching rockbottom throughout the recovery... trying to establish the fx department at my firm, proving to be aggravating... so I go to the corner irish bar, and overhear this construction worker bragging about a big contract to this lady, of course, with the interspersed, 'I haven't slept with a woman in a long time' talking to this grimy lady dropping f-bombs like the word 'the'... anyways, I go to the jukebox and play whatever is available, ACDC, Clash, Mad Season, Squeeze, looking for Zeppelin... soon as my songs go on, he walks out... then comes back in puts on headphones and starts blasting it at the bar... I look over, and he gives me this look, and says, 'I don't like the fucking music they play here... Motorhead for me... Motorhead is not supposed to be nice... yadadaada..' Now, I listened to Motorhead when I was thirteen, they're just not good in regards to heavy metal, they have one good song... And so I can't even hear my jukebox tunes because this guy is blasting his headphones like a cock... He shuts them off not knowing that he was every close not making it to that big construction contract down south... 90% probability that I would beat his fucking garbage face to the fucking tile floor, kick his fucking teeth out... and since the Irish folk like me there, they wouldn't give a shit if I put this white trash asshole on the worker's comp plan...


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another investment bnaker that shuns federal regulations and posts their own blog? Come on man there is not a compliance officer in the world that wouldnt have you fired.

I am off base and you're just ball busting those other two phonys then I offer my apologies.


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