So, we wait for a final shoe to drop, or has it with the middle east infinity... DOW 9000 again, or enough of this bullshit...
I went down to the Hudson Riverside South Pier around W71st by the river... there was some carribean drum/techno bass DJ globesonic blasting... and bipedals moving in dance motions and nightfall, and stars out and man-made stars in the form of helicoptors with huge spotlights, to the left the river with spaceboats lit up, upper right you see a highway and booming green hudson highway signs and highrises... ...basically, my computation was thus: this is not something you see when you're close to mortal death... it's something you see when you are between halfway and 3/4 close to death... meaning, I reasonably have about 20 linear years left to live as man... die around 50....so that's 20 years I have to dig out of a hole of blood hate and failures...
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