Tuesday, January 18, 2005

81 Billion TICS, Whammy in Empire Manu, I got a 3 minute Haircut from a Russian...

Why do I buy RAMEN noodles? Is it because they are QUALITY Nutrition? NO, it's because they are really CHEAP. Hence, the massive 81 Billion Treasury International Capital Inflows (TICS) for November into the U.S. doesn't give me an erection. For Japan and the rest of the world, buying a U.S. Note or Bond these days is like buying a pack of generic Juicy Fruit. Which reminds me, I saw this Immigrant with his Daughter of about nine years old, and he thought those LISTERINE Tabs(cellophane things) were CANDY and was about to give one to his daughter as a TREAT, so I stopped him and explained it to him. This post was going to be about how to survive the next great depression(hence the bleak picture)... but I'm going to get hot and sour Soup at Ivy's on 72nd and Broadway. And I'm going to enjoy it, and lose track of linear time... Mother is 'fighting a boss' on Daughter's 'Sonic the Hedgehog' gameboy and she is so 'elated'. Thursday, I will be seeing the EMT doctor, possible sleep apnea, need prednisone. Posted by Hello


At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Immigrants think it's candy, i think it covers my farty breath - do i really have it better? You should of left it be...


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