Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fun Productive Saturday.

Today was a classic humid pre-summer day in NYC. I ate lunch with my cousin below Delancey St, which is an interesting part of town, and then we played paddleball and basketball, before a middle aged haggard looking wizard cast a spell on my cousin, causing him to turn his ankle a bit, ending the game. I went home to study after that. I think there is a street fair near my house Sunday, so I'll bring the kids to it. I've been spending far too much time on Study Session II, which is all quant, and I need to move on, because it's only about 15% of the exam. Depending on the actual retainment of knowledge from now until about the middle of July, I will have to measure whether or not I should take the test in December, or in June of 2007 c.e. If not, for the time being, it will be for me and the kid's edification, as other than the quant stuff, the remainder has less directly applicable impacts on intraday or short term trading. I took a break to watch HBO Boxing After Dark, and it was some pretty boring boxing. There was a classic Mexican bantamweight fighter who was reminiscent of Willy Pep, except without the pep. He lost a split decision in an otherwise lackluster weightclass. I did like his trunks though, because they were classic short, tight, and pulled up reasonably high, without the braggadocia and pompousness of many modern day boxing trunks.


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