Thursday, September 28, 2006

Did you notice that I'm posting on this blog during the day during a weekday?

Yeah. I suck at everything. And I mean everything. Don't they have Subsidies or Government programs to help people who suck here? Or is it like other countries where they just put a bullet in our collective suck heads? Should I move to Cuba or Africa? I think the Bullet option is more preferable in Cuba than the Machete option in Africa. All this talk about the Dow [DJIA] breaking all time highs... Fucking Lockheed has been breaking all time record highs approaching 30 linear years on a daily suck basis, breaking new record highs in the Wasted Potential Index [WPI], with an absurdly exponential acceleration these past three fucking years... Hello! Do you like shit shows? They fucking suck, they are boring and pathetic... I watch my shit show every day like a teenager watches MTV so he knows how to be 'legit with street cred'... whatever the fuck that shit is worth.... FUCK YOU. I ACTUALLY DISLIKE YOU.

Here's some more vacation pictures: arghhhh... I'm a fucking water monster... arghhh...


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