Friday, March 11, 2005

Trade Deficit -58.3 Billion... It's Your Favorite Foreign Movie...

Don't get me wrong, consumption is an imperative necessity, but when it's misguided you become a puppet with the strings attached at your sweaty balls. The Weak Dollar boosted exports a robust 100 bil, yet Maroon China, formerly Red, dumped some heavy product on the United States Moderatepower formerly Superpower making exports a drop in the bucket. The Hybrid of Centralization and Pick and Choose Capitalism is becoming the optimum growth method in the face of gobbling globalization. As I said before, the World Bank, Eurozone, IMF, and United Nations are Communist Sleeper Cells and they don't even know it. And guess who's their Military Arm? Dufuses... rich or poor, you're all monkeys being lulled into an unhealthy consumption Ball and Chain, pleasantly distracted and drunk off pop-cultural social monopoly, unknowingly habitually dependent and getting down on your knees, the beast is gonna chew you up soon and shit you out and refuse to wipe his butt.


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