Monday, December 19, 2005

What Ails Me at times is: A Certain Demographic's Hypocritical Spending Habits...

...It's either Ignorance, or an insiduous
form of paradox... sometimes I'd be less disturbed by it if it were 'ignorance' for one does not know what one is doing...
...As classic and cliched as it was, I saw this dude on the subway showing his new ridiculous looking Nike sneakers off too this other dude, while almost dislocating his own 6 year old son's arm who didn't even have a winter coat on with boogers dripping down his little face... should really put that $125 to work by, buying a winter coat for your child, and NO it doesn't have to be Triple Five Soul Goose Fat, take that other $100, plus the money you spent on that IPOD... and open up a college savings plan... Curb your wasteful spending just a little... only buy the new Air Jordan shoe every three years...

I render this to extremes for illustrative purposes...
people who take so much pride in growing up on welfare and championing the 'virtue' in how it's raised one's sense of economy, and how they truly know the value of a dollar, and how much better a person it makes them than anyone middle class, not even mention the high class...
...and yet, I see so many of the 'downtrodden' who blow their cash as soon as they get it on the most apocryphal things... and it's not that they 'live for the day'... they have children... yet they don't give a fuck... the children come into play only when they 'bitch' about the money they earned and wasted on god know's what... and thus claim, in misguided indignation at those who had the discipline and foresight to control the desires of the loins and actually prepare for their children, they attack them with the typical: .... I have 8 kids to feed motherfucker and you put me here... Yes, the Evil Establishment(the System ooohhh the System) stuck a gun to your head and said, impregnate three different girls while you're still in highschool, and have 8 kids, knowing that you can't afford them...

...some things never change since 4000 BCE, but this is a social problem that is really simple to conquer... if they just sucked it up and started NOW.

...The Demographic and Youth in general take such Offense when denied or curtailed their immediate gratification, without thinking of longer term future sustainable gratification... Case Study: The Transit Union... when you have a budget surplus, that's when you start planning LONG TERM with what to do with it, with the end result bettering all parties... not this CANDY NOW on top of the DESSERT that we already have, and at the expense of future decades of lunches and dinners.

No, we are not born equal, some are smarter than others, and that's a fact so stop whining, but you only need an iota of a brain cell to better yourself.... It's as if Lockheed's going to demand a tryout for the New York Knicks Center position... and sue for discrimination if they don't let me.

I bought a pair of $14 Asics running shoes and the other $136 I put into my Roth... which is now incrementally $359.

How did I open a Roth? I read two sentences when I was 22 years old. Yes, we all have access to them you dipshits...

Furthermore, the running shoes are quality and keep my joints stable, the fucking $200 Allen Iverson shoes fuck my ankles up...


At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dad who is 62 has been waking up at 430am to get to the shipping yard he works at. He makes 50k after working there for 30 years. and you are right, I have one sister and he did suck it up and help put us through college, so we could do better things with our lives.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kill the union leadership…deposit their remains in the festering dumpsters of chinatown..this is the only way..


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