Tuesday, May 03, 2005

But I Need To Buy Money Cheap... +25 Basis Points...

Well...the second hub of the Broadway 72nd street 1,9,2,3 subway station has become a pitstop for me when it's sunny after going to the gym... it's really just an 'only time will tell' scenario, how things play out... with the Fed maintaining key phrases, 'measured' and 'accomodative' with a focus on inflation that is still able to be passed off to the consumer with the multiplier effect... $100 spent to the earner, who then spends $75, who's new earner spends $56 and so on, but now, it's stopping again at the second earner... so not much action today across the board... You see, the Fed fucked up when their aggressive hikes overkilled the bubble, and did the reverse during the recession, chasing the economy... so now it's content to just use a 'moderate' pace, forgetting that we're still in the rut from the first overkill in 2000. With that said the cost of money must be relatively cheap for at least another year if we're going to get any solid wind in our sails... once again, I write to mask the pain... Posted by Hello


At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, commas (,) easily replace an elipse(...). Sometimes a period (.) is the way to go. Puctuation is an important part of the English Language. For futhur information on all types of puctuation I suggest checking Strunk and White's Elements of Style. Enjoy!


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