Sunday, February 25, 2007

If I Smile, Tell Me Some Bad News, Before I Laugh and Act Like a Fool...

Going to see the real 'Who' at Madison Square Garden last year was one thing... but going to see the Who 'Tribute' Band for the 'second' time at BB Kings borders on 'pathological'. Nevertheless, I came, I saw, and they kicked ass. Haha. Writing about the Who tribute band on a dorky blog at 231am is indeed psychopathology. Anyways, I brought the kids to the Central Park Zoo today, but we didn't actually go in, although from the walkway you could still get a good look at the seals in the seal pool... we also visited the gift shop and the lady there walked up to a customer and asked him, "Are there any more questions we can't answer for you?"


At 1:45 PM, Blogger SphericalZoo said...

You were right about The Departed. It's a good (not great) film, but I was disappointed. I'm a big Scorsese fan, too. I think he's at home right now, feverishly scratching out "The Departed" from his Oscar statuette and engraving "Goodfellas" instead.

Rent Stranger Than Fiction (Will Ferrel, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman). Brilliant film.


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