Friday, April 27, 2007

I was born in Locust land... but that was many lives ago... why is it happening again now?

Genetic blends, with uncertain ends... No my mind is not for rent...

There's definitely alot of quantitative programs that I am tabulating with my human mind, to figure out the first order algorithm on the following 'defense' pair trading equities: HON, NOC, RTN, LMT, LLL, GD... Hopefully, the program will continue through next week into early May, by then I will be able to crack it, and ride with it, or destroy it, depending which choice will yield the best return for me. I picture a 'flowmetal' skinned robot plugged into all the feeds and making split millisecond bids and offers, similar to Erasmus after the Butlerian Jihad against 'thinking' machines. I heard they are back. No my mind is not for rent...


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