Thursday, April 19, 2007

You're Time is Gonna Come.. Another Routine Krasilec...

The Golden Age, the Bronze Age, etc.... the Industrial Age, the Informational(internet) Age, ecetera, ecetera fuck.... TEXT messaging is perhaps, the closest yet the human civilization has gotten to all knowing... far from it still... but much more due to TEXT messaging, are we closer. I say we, because, currently I am a human.... Example being, I sent a three part string of text messages to aquaintances, after speaking to some guy who runs the Vanderbilit's family office in Rockefeller Center... some bullshit about college savings, LTC(long term care) whatever.... anyways, it ends with an old friend texting me with this message: I'll call you tomorrow, enjoy your enlarged ass fillings. I presume now, that he expected homo sexual urgings from my text, when I simply wrote: Not Quite.
Now, Krasilec, is basic sci-fiction-sci-faction term coined in the 80's in regards to pop culture about the apocalypse... but for those readers of this blog, you should now know that EVERYBODY has their own PERSONAL Krasilec, Holocaust, (because it's all relative to a tee)etc.... and it need not be 'flamboyant'.... just like you should all know now that the ONE TAIL z-scores of 90,95,99 are 1.28, 1.645, 2.33 respectively. enough said... heard it's going to be warm this weekend, something called 'one week of spring' before 100+ temp farenheit, where I hide all my ink with longsleeve linen...


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