Sunday, April 15, 2007

Days of the Expiration...

It's pouring giant cold April rain... I need to get a filter sponge for Chewy and gloves to clean out his amphibious home. Funny story.... took the 81st crosstown from the east side to the upperwest after playing boardgames with an old friend last night. Walking past 'Gari' on Columbus Ave, I saw Dustin Hoffman and some lady walk out, and he looked at me, and I paused, blew out some smoke from my cigarette, and said, 'Willy Loman'. He smiled with a grin, and I said, 'Good stuff.' He said, 'Thanks.' And then I walked back home and bought 4 Ramen noodle units. Well, anyways, I'm living on borrowed time... like willy loman, but I don't got a hose, or a cellar to hang myself in...


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