Monday, December 13, 2004

Tropical Cake Melting in Your Hand...

A strategic change of tone... earlier this summer, the family spent a few days in this small resort in the Virgin Islands... course, it takes USD (Eur .74) so we were able to afford it... the family consists of 'Father, Mother, Lockheed HayHeehoo, and Curious George'... We all had a blast. I swam quite far into the blue ocean, past the jet skis and the windsurfers, Mother worried for me as she bobbled up and down in the crystal clear dropdown by the shore, then got bit by some sea anemone(sea enemy)... George made friends with a little lizard, Lockheed enjoyed the sun and the all inclusive food... it was the first time since my collegiate swimming days where I dared take my shirt off, exposing the journey of black ink embedded all over my torso... there was a late night karoake bar where old people went to die... I gave the place two thumbs up, about $1700 USD(Eur 1258) all inclusive for two for about three nights, four days... we don't have a digital camera, but we did take some cheap shots with a disposable, the poor clarity of the photos made it that much more memorable... it was a genuinely happy time... you're still fucked, so start running with your tail between your legs...Posted by Hello


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