Friday, May 06, 2005

274,000 New Jobs... I Must Be Damaged Goods...

It's's chilly... Hay and Curious drew this card for Mum... Now, for the less important topic of the day: Nonfarm Payrolls... The jaunty propulsions and dissipations of the labor force per month remind me of a dying animal who's neurons fire off erratically with robustness, a death rattle before it expires in riggermortis and decay... 274,000 new jobs created in April across the board from forklifters to CEOs, everyone from down and out circus clowns, fire-breathers, puppeteers, sushi chefs, collateralized mortgage obligation specialists all obtained gainful employment... of course, the true sign of validity and sustainability of a strong labor market will only be given when I stop ranting about my own tightrope situation and bother brushing my teeth and changing my underwear before sauntering out of the house. The number was like the boxer that depends on that one knockout punch, disregarding the virtue of landing consistent jabs and working the body... NFP for April simply gives fuel to the Fed, nothing to the bulls(perhaps a trap), and more edge to the bears... with that said, I'd love to be wrong... Posted by Hello


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