I Didn't Know That Was Part of Reparations... Why Are African-American Leaders Allowed to be Blatantly Racist and Openly Promote Segregation?
...Ooh, the 'R' word, and I avoided saying 'blacks'... Ooh, pamper me with political patronizing correctness... anyways, personally I don't care much about 'white guilt', I don't have it in my genes, my parents didn't come from Europe... and I'm not a blind fan of forced diversity either, has some good points, some bad points... but hypocrisy kills my gut... The biggest repercussion the Mayor of New Orleans gets for such comments(that chocolate nonsense): He's not labeled a Racist, or a Bigot, or a Segregationist... he's simply 'ECCENTRIC'. He's about as open minded as George Wallace, and that was in the 60's for crying out loud. Give me a fucking break...
...look just a tad bit deeper, you think that's 'helping the cause'? You're just subconsciously planting more self-destructive social seeds... Why isn't there your classic uproar over those statements, save for a few 'comedy' jibes on old-hat political comedy shows? Because somehow, it's Excusable and Okay for 'them' to say 'ignorantly inflammatory' things... is that because deep down inside, many of you really think they're immature and stupid? Probably not, more likely you're just [WIMPS]: Well-Intentioned Misguided Pussies (and that's my politically correct response)(I truthfully think you're simply gullible and void of independent analysis capabilities, some are spoon fed money, some are spoon fed ideology, the latter is much worse). Like slapping a child on the wrist for stealing... shit...
...sorta like when you see the now 'classic' Black and White couple in America... the White person is almost always perceived as more 'progressive', while the Black person is undoubtedly a 'sell-out'...
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Amen, brother! I'm a 36 year old african american and I read your site every now and then, because I used to trade commodities in Atlanta(even though you don't write about commodities as advertised). I'm young enough not to be completely on the Bill Cosby track, but you're dead on with what you're saying, and I was ticked off when Mayor Nagin spouted that nonsense, and basically blew another golden opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to us, and people in general too. So anyways, you're not a WASP, nor are you some white trash racist(because I think you mention Manhattan a lot), so what are you? And keep up the good trading tips every now and then.
All chocolate ray was saying is that the population of new Orleans was predominantly black prior to Katrina, and was speaking towards the hope that the displaced brothers would return home, thus hopefully displacing the illegal Mexicans who have quote unquote ‘over-run’ his chocolate city.
My point was along the age old desire for equality, which entails both the negative and positive apsects of equality. Equal punishment/humilation for a gaffe that anyone else would've been severely lambasted for. A slap on the wrist via humor and ha-ha's only sets the cause back. Unless you agree that racism is merely eccentricity.
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