Monday, June 12, 2006

Irresponsibilty... Not My Only Crime...

...This is my final quest... to remove my mess...
...I was going to say, that the 'person' I was, is now dead, but being woefully undeveloped in so many facets of human existence, I never was a person... always in flux...

Lockheed definitely doesn't like putting himself between a rock and a hard place, but uh, yeah, he just finds himself there no matter fucking what... The FX market is ranging before the PPI number tomorrow at 8:30am est... I figure if I got the correlation matrix right, which was correct to a 'tee' before the ECB rate decision, I should be able to put on a trade right fucking now in the EUR, YEN, and GBP... and walk the fuck into the sunset of the Hudson and wake up back in the black...

Of course there is a finite risk, because trading has never been a pussy's occupation... finite being death, and death to generations of your spawn, and if not physical death, for all intents and purposes 'living dead'...

as such... it may unfortunately attract madmen, mad because of an incorrigible character flaw, mad from biopsychosocial causes,

...mad to balance things out on the bell curve...

and then the risk is infinite... as we all go out in our own little bang of sorts...


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