Scapegoats of Societe Generale...
Consider that Societe Generale had just announced a 1.2billion loss from subprime(the day before they released the news of the 5billion loss from the trader) which based on the trader news instilled a 5.5billion 'emergency' injection' from shareholders. I smell a young scapegoat for a larger subprime problem that has been brewing at Societe Generale for several years now, using a nutjob young trader as a media diversion tactic to cover their losses in subprime caused by the non-rank and file executives. This kid didn't profit from any of his rogue trades, and the staggering loss was registered within less than a month? So that raises a red flag to me, saying there's much more to this then some wackjob kid. Yeah, that's my speculative take on the story.
Bottom line, start buying SocGen stock now, as more hostile takeover attempts begin.