Saturday, September 30, 2006

NextFest at Javits Center

...we are going to the nextfest science festival saturday... or today technically... I want to get fused into a complete cyborg, since I already have a cyborg organ in my mouth(partial denture), and so i can get some kind of simple binary code installed into my neurons that simply doesn't respond in any fashion to all the increasing 'rot' around me lately, but mainly dampens or eradicates feelings of deep rooted pissdom. i'll try to get some pics up on the blog...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

1. In the beginning Man created God;
2. And man saw it not.
3. But for Christ's sake he'd better start looking.
4. Fuck now, guv 'nor...

Did you notice that I'm posting on this blog during the day during a weekday?

Yeah. I suck at everything. And I mean everything. Don't they have Subsidies or Government programs to help people who suck here? Or is it like other countries where they just put a bullet in our collective suck heads? Should I move to Cuba or Africa? I think the Bullet option is more preferable in Cuba than the Machete option in Africa. All this talk about the Dow [DJIA] breaking all time highs... Fucking Lockheed has been breaking all time record highs approaching 30 linear years on a daily suck basis, breaking new record highs in the Wasted Potential Index [WPI], with an absurdly exponential acceleration these past three fucking years... Hello! Do you like shit shows? They fucking suck, they are boring and pathetic... I watch my shit show every day like a teenager watches MTV so he knows how to be 'legit with street cred'... whatever the fuck that shit is worth.... FUCK YOU. I ACTUALLY DISLIKE YOU.

Here's some more vacation pictures: arghhhh... I'm a fucking water monster... arghhh...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

dear blog,
I'm am tired, feel weak, want to sleep...
...short Usd/Jpy again aroudn 117.10, the 10yr yield is going down to 4.10 within two weeks...

New sorta funny site: forwarded from a friend...just click on the numbers on the left margin... 1 out of 5 are extremely funny... supposedly it's about a town called Appleton and their residents.... check it out.

Also, I prayed to Vishnu that either she/he lets me die in my sleep tonight, for Mum to find me Rigor Mortis in the morning... but in peace... or to let me finally lay claim on my fucking crown.

Apparently I'm at odd with the consumer...

The consumer was confident as indicated today. I'm not. I don't get it. I should be, given my background and credentials. But I just calculated the cost of 3 ramen noodles with 1 egg a piece per day, for one month to be cost effective. And that's a conservative estimate, as I will often times only eat once or twice a day... I'm going to run down to the NYMEX now... yeah... runnerboy... so it was funny... the clerks and then the clerks who became traders that I spoke to were as follows: All of them were over 30yrs old. I didn't get it. Because a clerk makes next to nothing. Yet they did the clerking program before they traded in the pit. There was a white ex-military guy, a black Wharton grad, and the quintissential former Italian heavyweight boxer. The pit for whatever reasons, which was based out of Chicago, has the most eclectic group of traders, or of people in general crowded into one room. Usually, when you think of trading, you picture guys like the Wharton guy, or moreover, a white Wharton guy, but the pit, where most of the fortunes are made and lossed or scattered, literally is a 3 Ring Circus... the crude oil pit(ring), the heating oil pit, and the nat gas pit...

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm One Consumer Who is Not Confident...

...nothing much to say here, just trying to keep a semblance of breathing...
...I got a haircut today. My flipper is misbehaving. That's my partial denture. Sometimes it misbehaves and is a pain to wear. I noticed the sun is drastically different, in fact it's setting right now... and I haven't been to the Hudson in ages... x-mue/sig/root nth and sp2= n-1(s1^2)+n-1(s2^2) / n+n -2... I hope that is correct, because I feel vomitous... I want to go back to the caribe and swim in the pool, now, that's correct for unknown but assumed equal variance... supposed to be a simulcast in Time Square of the opening opera, not sure if it's at lincoln center too...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Paulson Prods Remnimbi Yuan... about time... there the ship sails... my long yen mini-lot, sailing alone on a mystery ship... ride little captain ride...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I wasn't supposed to survive past the Who concert... now what? the Who concert at Madison Square was solid... that was my short term goal, to survive to see the Who live, or at least the two main members of the Who... so now what? I have a very small position short Usd/Jpy, which is basically a probe, and virtually useless... Philly Fed was nasty, the 10/2 yr spread is woefully inverted... and I really think Motorola is way overbought, but I'm practically out of bullets, and I basically have to borrow ammunition...

I Can Go Sleep At Home tonight, if I can get up and walk away...

This is GOOGLE. This is my brain on GOOG. After it broke the initial resistance after the sell-off(bottom red line)... it would retrace close to 50% of its downmove (top red line).... it did... I was long at 395.00. It traded back up to 403.30. Previous post I wrote on the Yen, yes PPI was weak... it actually broked down below 117.00, of course, I actually reversed the 4 day position, because I was flabbergasted at Yen weakness, and got long at 118.00. I was originally short at 117.65 and 50...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Now That Oil is Plummetting, Should WIMPS now propose a Windfall Loss Subsidy?

...anyways... yen weakness is making no sense, no fucking sense in regards to dollar strength which makes no fucking sense... none... yen should be at least 111.00 if not 109.00 if not 105.00 by now... I'm sick of it... Went to San Genarro Festival for a study break... festive, with a rickety ferris wheel and I'll have to bring the camera one day this week to take pictures of it at night... goes till Sunday the 24th. Each night till 11pm. it's festive, it's cheap, and the food tastes like wax food, but it's still fun.... Anyone, explain to me the dollar's strength against the yen? Why? TICS, Current Account, horrible for the dollar, fed pause, and almost dovish on Wednesday, and an in-line PPI in about 9 hours... I survived so far to see the Who tomorrow at Madison Square, that was my first short term goal.... next goal after monthly fixed expenses, is to eat one to two meals a day... with average weekly expenditures of 20 dollars max.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Best Trade of the Year: Get a job as a Ford Assembly Line worker... Pocket $140,000 and quit...

...and then just join Toyota...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

CPI will have fallen, sirrah...

...pull me under, I'm not afraid... moreover, I'm anxious with excitement... let's hope lockheed is not let down again...

Tenth Avenue Freezeout...

...gonna eat dunkin donuts, taco bell, and watch a bad rental movie in a New England suburb this weekend... Fuck Usd/Jpy strength... fuck it to the deepest pits of lockheed hell...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh Yeah I Think She's Fallen... Whoa o woh, whoa...

Since coming back from vacation, every FX trade I've put on has been in the money... yet I seem to be losing tiny bits on my p&l everyday... it's my exit strategy... it's horrible.... aaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... bleh... meh... meh...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Neck Hurting Bad... As She Bends to pick a Dog End...

...Hay voted for Hillary today... or basically, she petitioned all her teachers to vote for Hillary today...
....dee dee dee dee... aqualung my friend, don't you start away uneasy... you poor old sod, you see it's only me... Sitting on the park bench... eyeing little girls with bad intent... snots running down his nose... greasy fingers smearing shabby clothe....Drying in the cold sun... Spitting out pieces of my broken lung...(luck)

NY traders(that's Lockheed and the collective conscious of NYC) believe Usd/Jpy will head higher in Asian hours...

And who would steal the candy from a laughing baby's mouth, if he could take it from the money man...

Or Cut off my pride and buy some time...

...the river of deceit pulls down... the only direction I flow is down...
...I want to see Usd/Jpy approaching 119.00... the nail in the proverbial coffin is if the Yen trades to 117.50... I want to grow beautiful shells with my body on a coral reef for all to see...
I've reached a conclusion that is basically a pathetic soft closure landing to Lockheed as I know him: statistically, somebody with the equivalent potential in the equivalent field, in the equivalent age, is existing close to his/her ideal, where he/she is getting what their worth, no more, no less. Knowing that, gives me some comfort.

Which brings upon my final project: how do those who fucked up their potential fit into the scheme? I currently presume that they should be left alone to their own devices, live alone, die alone.

Island good bye...

...had 40 pips in the money ahead of Trade balance... set my stop at scratch... I scratch... I'm long a large Usd/Jpy position from 117.96... runs to 118.16 while I'm outside gently walking a random old lady with a push cart to the new HIP center next to my apartment... I'm back inside, the position is still on, but it's now trading 117.97... and now it's trading 117.95... I'm now down on this trade... total Pnl swing so far today:

+400 down to O +504 down to O down to -25.43. Had I stuck to my guns on the overnight trade that would've locked in +400. Had I not helped that lady find the HIP center, I would have locked in +504. A total of +904 by 2:00pm Tuesday. A mini intraday fortune, that I gathered up, flew into the sky, and scattered my fortune, island good bye, island good bye... I gotta go now... tis written...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Taste of Crisp Autumn... and eat of the apples so young...

...nothing to report on the markets today... there looks like a 3 month head and shoulders on the Eur/Usd going into a Trade Balance and CPI week... whatever... I'll expire worthless soon enough... just wanted to post some more vacation pictures...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm in Tatters... Shattered...

I've officially prolonged over 3 years of relative mediocrity, which will end one way or another within 10 months... the reaper doesn't even want to bother taking me... probably doesn't even register on his calendar that I'm alive... yet 'somebody is withdrawing funds from my checking account'... yeah, apparently someone copied my debit card's magnetic strip and is withdrawing cold hard cash from some bunk ass ATM in Madrid, Spain... Hmmph, maybe I'm in Spain and just dreaming I'm in Manhattan. Or maybe, the maid in the Dominican Republic copied my card, and somehow I'm funding some typical Haitian rebellion... I dunno... the correlation matrix on my Eur/Usd-Usd/Jpy no longer works... trying to trade with old fashioned tape reading and basic technical patterns... can't seem to catch a break... all I know is that the Yen is so fucking weak... so I'm currently thinking day by day... make two trades a day, study in the meantime, and just try to survive for the Who concert Sept 18th, 2006.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I got this shirt on my Dominican Republic vacation... I like it. I think people think it's dorky for a 29 year old man to be wearing it. That combined with half faded tattoos, it's a juxtapostion for non-existence... I'm not sure if it's common practice to put sentimental items into one's coffin upon burial(or if this is simply a romantic notion), and if you're not cremated, but in any case, this t-shirt would be one of those items...

Sweetness Doesn't Often Touch My Face...

The woe of the Aftermath of Pasta lays the remnants of a 'magical' italian dinner night for mum and the kids made by lockheed over candlelight a few days ago... it's shells cooked in the Pasta Express tube... Bad don't last forever... something's gotta turn out right...

Dollar Week: Yen to 114.65 Right Shoulder Formed...

yeah... the dollar is weak, so am I... gonna short all pullbacks and buy yen approaching the BOJ meeting overnight on the 8th of Sept... I dunno... soft landing from a 4 year flight upwards to stable prosperity across the board... true... but I never took off... can I survive another business cycle of 4 years starting at the fall, living on ramen noodles during the trough? It's tough. Might have to pull Hay out of Claremont Prep, and send her to P.S. 777.

Monday, September 04, 2006

116.50 Stop 115.35 S1 114.65 S2

Overnight long Yen position targets. Anyways, me and mum brought the kids to the U.S. Open. It was a blast. It's fun to travel between the outside courts in the between the tall bushes as in a labyrinth.

Friday, September 01, 2006

It's called Fractal Myopia, or Market Myopia...

...or price action myopia... It makes me scream like Munch's scream that was recently recovered...
leaves my brain on a dark island, filled with chupucabras... to drink the blood of my neural membrane... it's autumnesque outside, a time for living things to die again... Hay started school at Claremont last week, Curious starts on Tuesday... trying to find something other than 'studying' to occupy my fading time tonight...