Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chewy Opens His Eyes Temporarily, and a newfound Confusion sets in...

Although slightly banged up, after 5 days of applying the distilled turtle vitamin A solution eye drops, also dripping a Cu-Tip and holding it against Chewy's eyes to maximize absorption in the quarantine tank with extra warm water, Chewy was able to open his eyes occasionally, although the swollen skin is blocking his whole vision, so he goes back to closing his eyes again... but it's a healthy sign that he was able to see again after a week...
...reminds me of El Tunel, a spanish story about the lady who got her sight back after decades of blindess, and would deliberately wear a blindfold in order to function properly in the enironment... I also think there were many horrendous melodramas based on the same disposition...

Friday, December 30, 2005

His Anchor is Up He's Been Swept Away...

My dear friend from ages past,

You're barely 30 years old... you have not only tons of linear time, but infinite spherical time... so yes, you can still have that 'band' on the side... I could hook you up with some guys I know who have bands, and wouldn't mind an extra bassist.

And yeah, I know what I supposed to do. The Pussyness Hath been cast out and utterly decimated.

And no, I am not on drugs again. But the Big-2 neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are acting bizarre in my synapse for whatever reason. Perhaps final withdrawal from tapered SSRI's and Benzodiazepines.

5 Highly Skilled Moves in a 2 day Period: not for the faint of heart...

This was five quick opportunities, in a two day period... strong moves, yet all rangebound, a good risk/reward ratio... now it's almost Happy Old Year... and I'm selling crapper dogs for idiot's who wait until the last trading day of the year to write off losses... work the orders? hell no, just slam em with a market order, and it's so thin, hey, they'll even have more of a loss to write off, I mean, that's the whole point right? RIGHT????!!!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Kill the Headlights and Put it in Neutral...

One of the greatest technician COUNTERPUNCHER boxers of all linear time, if not spherical was ALEXIS ARGUELLO, middleweight champion in the 1970s-80s...

Trying to Grow a Tree to a Redwood to 100 feet takes slow years... Reducing it to 1 foot, takes a second...

Bidding up anything is a grind, the fall is quick, one deft slap of panic...

Shown hear, I was busy listening to Falco's 'Amadeus'... when the Euro plummeted as shown, in correspondence with USD strength against the YEN as it broke above 1.1800, and EuroYen Cross selling... I didn't want to be the prey on this one... So I waiting for the Hammer Formation, a classic StoneMason's signal of reversal... aware that it would take at least twice as long to retrace, but retrace 76.4% it will, if not 100%... Long Euro at 1.1833, exit 1.1847... I took a slip and got filled at a shitty price, but it was still the right move... a move that Alexis Arguello would nod his head in wisdom to... and I heard the agony of those caught short on a bogus momentum play...

Inverted Yield Curve...Nothing to Me... And it it ain't so bad... what's you're drug of choooiiccceeee....

a stinging pistol... in my mouth on my tongue....

A split moment of invertion with the 2 year yielding higher than the 10 year is what I call setting off technical stops in the FIT and NOB and TIT... in my heyday, I remember down ticking the NOB(Note over Bond;10 over 30years) by one mere lot just to throw the yield curve a nasty chaos for the moment... occasionally it would be the puny weed that split the rock and it would always piss other traders(former colleagues) who were long NOB about 100 times my size when their P&L would print something ugly....

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

13:17GMT...And from 50% to 38.2%...Becometh the Sea Nautilus...01123581321infinitus

HAY: I realized quickly when I knew I should that the whole world's made up of this brotherhood of man... for whatever that means...

Lockheed: And I say, Hay yeahhhhyeahhhh.... Hay yeahhhyeahhhh... I say Hay, what's going on?

Do Not Master the Two Beasts... Empathize With Them...

There's no bustle in my hedgerow tonight... Japan Retail Sales: MEAK
Euro and Yen: Fade the Usd Pairs... with the GUILD EYE on EuroYen
As seen in chart below....
Mum and I watched BrokeBack Mountain yesterday... It kept your attention and had good drama... not a classic, but still fun implying the BitterSweet formula, with noticeably contrived dumb parts... I really think they should've blasted George Michael's 'I want your sex' when the credits came up to drown the moviegoers who were actually Crying at the end...

A See You Got Your Fist Out... Say You're Peace and Get OUT...

...23.6% to 50%
An In the Zone Trade...

There's Is No Pain... You Are Receding...

I hear you're feeling down...
... and I can ease your Pain... Get you on your feet again...

...relax... just the basic facts...

... can you show me where it hurts...

...Chewy had a fever... his Eyes felt just like Two Balloons...

...have become... comfortably numb...

A Clashing of Ancient Warriors

Person: "So... Lockheed, uh, how was the ChristKwanzaHanukaHindu et al... Holiday?"

Lockheed: (stares with tombstones in his eyes)

The Angel Closes his EYESSSSSSsss.. the Confusion sets in...

like a rolling thunder chasing the wind...

...Short SIRI...Long XMSR.... Alpha; delta neutral both underlyings for buffer income...

Monday, December 26, 2005

Chewseph Arisen...

Chewy Supongri's eyes are swollen shut... It's a common eye disease that we are using a distilled aqueous solution to heal... but it's not a magic solution that instantly opens the eyes so one's emotionaly tendency is to overtreat which is not a good thing... the kids will apply two drops when Mum and Dad are at work with the additional vitamin A and basking time... Chewy is currently swimming around in clear water, his sense of sound enhanced, hearing a distant echo which grows louder: Muad Dib, Muad Dib, Muad Dib...

Amex Handudamesh 'Horizon'... pierces the oceanic....on the call of duty... streamlined...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

It's Easier Not to be Great...

...Duncan Greeley, CPA, at age 45, channeling his first sandstorm memory from the Desert of Shai-Halud... a repeating death sequence that never fails to agonize... blindsided and shackled inside linear time, unaware of the subsequent rebirths... the confusion that was hers belongs now to the baby down the hall... always, the kids are alright...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I Could Either Drown... Or Cut Off My Pride...And Swim to Shore...

C-mas Eve 2005 ce linear...

I am bad at wrapping boxes and odd shaped memories....

...forgiveth as you did and did again...
...a tertiary tabula rosa... but done wisely...

Friday, December 23, 2005


The following is what transpired the day after the Subway Strike in NYC:

Black MiddleAged Subway Conductor: (closes doors on the express train 6 when there is plenty of room)
(he then waits with his head out the window with a smirk)
Black 25year old baggypant homeboy: C'mon man, open up.
Black MA Subway Conductor: (looks at the kid and starts pulling away)
Black 25year old baggypant: 'You suck motherfucker!' he shouts to the subway conductor.
Black MA Subway Conductor: 'hahahaha'

Hmmm... so I propose to the Upper Class Liberal with the Luxury to be an Idealist, and to the Working Class Liberal who's Indignation is so cliched and misguided: Who's side would you take? You have THREE choices: the Homeboy, the Subway Conductor, or ACKNOWLEDGING TRUTH AND GROWING THE FUCK UP.

End note for the Holidays: Happy Holidays... you are solely responsible for your destiny.... not how or where you were born... you, you alone.... you FAGGOTS....

Do you really want to win by bringing everyone down to shit and amoebas? Fine. Then I will remove myself from this planet. YOU WIN. Have fun trying to re-invent the wheel....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

RAI for thy Roth...

I might wake up dead in someways tomorrow...
Still haven't gone Christmas shopping for the kids...
Might have to pull a 'sentimental' value play... or something...

I do know that the past few years, the Risk/Reward Ratio of allowing new sentients into one's sphere of existence has been skewed towards the negative... but it might be a cyclical thing so I'm going to ride the next wave which should be recovery and expansion and then get out...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The BMT Subway sandwich if MAYO added is incredibly good... I would cry if SUBWAY went on strike BMT not TWU...

I'm starting to feel sadness at Leto II, the son of Muad Dib.

Met Bill O'Reilly at the Harvard Club... he reminds me of my elementary school bus driver, Arthur, never watched his show, looks trashy...

never become a leader... but try to end up a third person in many Triumverates...
my only fear of judgement is to be judged emotionally rather than logistically...

is all...

Umm, Can We AudioVisual WIRETAP the TWIN DAUGHTERS? Pleeeaassssee.... : )

Monday, December 19, 2005

What Ails Me at times is: A Certain Demographic's Hypocritical Spending Habits...

...It's either Ignorance, or an insiduous
form of paradox... sometimes I'd be less disturbed by it if it were 'ignorance' for one does not know what one is doing...
...As classic and cliched as it was, I saw this dude on the subway showing his new ridiculous looking Nike sneakers off too this other dude, while almost dislocating his own 6 year old son's arm who didn't even have a winter coat on with boogers dripping down his little face... should really put that $125 to work by, buying a winter coat for your child, and NO it doesn't have to be Triple Five Soul Goose Fat, take that other $100, plus the money you spent on that IPOD... and open up a college savings plan... Curb your wasteful spending just a little... only buy the new Air Jordan shoe every three years...

I render this to extremes for illustrative purposes...
people who take so much pride in growing up on welfare and championing the 'virtue' in how it's raised one's sense of economy, and how they truly know the value of a dollar, and how much better a person it makes them than anyone middle class, not even mention the high class...
...and yet, I see so many of the 'downtrodden' who blow their cash as soon as they get it on the most apocryphal things... and it's not that they 'live for the day'... they have children... yet they don't give a fuck... the children come into play only when they 'bitch' about the money they earned and wasted on god know's what... and thus claim, in misguided indignation at those who had the discipline and foresight to control the desires of the loins and actually prepare for their children, they attack them with the typical: .... I have 8 kids to feed motherfucker and you put me here... Yes, the Evil Establishment(the System ooohhh the System) stuck a gun to your head and said, impregnate three different girls while you're still in highschool, and have 8 kids, knowing that you can't afford them...

...some things never change since 4000 BCE, but this is a social problem that is really simple to conquer... if they just sucked it up and started NOW.

...The Demographic and Youth in general take such Offense when denied or curtailed their immediate gratification, without thinking of longer term future sustainable gratification... Case Study: The Transit Union... when you have a budget surplus, that's when you start planning LONG TERM with what to do with it, with the end result bettering all parties... not this CANDY NOW on top of the DESSERT that we already have, and at the expense of future decades of lunches and dinners.

No, we are not born equal, some are smarter than others, and that's a fact so stop whining, but you only need an iota of a brain cell to better yourself.... It's as if Lockheed's going to demand a tryout for the New York Knicks Center position... and sue for discrimination if they don't let me.

I bought a pair of $14 Asics running shoes and the other $136 I put into my Roth... which is now incrementally $359.

How did I open a Roth? I read two sentences when I was 22 years old. Yes, we all have access to them you dipshits...

Furthermore, the running shoes are quality and keep my joints stable, the fucking $200 Allen Iverson shoes fuck my ankles up...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Museum Sunday...

Brought the kids to see the Van Gogh sketch/drawings exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum... I never used the 'audio' head set guides before, but this time we did and it was a blast. Basically certain exhibits and galleries have numbers and you punch them in a silver pod and press play... there's the regular version, and sometimes, there's 'F' for 'family' version... Curious listened to the family version because it had more music and sound effects. Hay listened to the regular narration for a more academic commentary but occasionally she would punch in the family version too.

Sometimes I know Hay could sense the sad desolate abandon of any comfort or redeeming value of life within my brain... so sometimes after we listened to an art display together she would look up at me and say, 'that was awesome!', even if she was half tired.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

RAI Leaps to 102... on MO dismissal...

...ah the day after the Reynolds Tobacco post, both dividend and capital gains came true, I hope you closed your longs on the news... up 10 points on RAI the safer play than MO, after Illinois Supreme Court threw out the 'lights' case against Altria(the tech company-haha)... that's precedence my friends... yes, I smoke light cigarettes(will quit in 6 months) but I still know it's the equivalent of sticking my mouth over a muffler pipe on a 1982 Toyota Corolla with over 100,000 miles on it, and I don't think I was 'fooled' by the tobacco company advertisements, not even the Cro-Magnon is that ignorant. I also noticed now that Macy's alternates which Escalators will be functioning on each floor so they don't get sued by people claiming they don't let you get enough cardiovascular exercise and therefore contribute to health problems... and look at the tertiary dees, I mean turtle doves... basking in the sun... after a warm meal of bloodworms...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Yeah. Subways worked today...

It makes sense.... only a partial strike... the Bus Drivers were on strike... they have a more legitimate cause... their occupation is much more stressful driving in the streets of New York... so fair is fair... and I believe it takes more skill to drive then push a single button like riding on a kids ride with tracks at Hershey Park the subway is... so it works.... the more skilled have more reason to be disgruntled...

Thursday, December 15, 2005


...yeah, so action is all about YEN... right now, 1055pm est, it's about lunch time in Japan... So I'm just sitting around, long Euro, waiting for the sushi and yakitori to hit the spot... in other news, about two hours till it's STRIKE or Not to Strike, in other words, STOP BITCHING or MAKE THINGS WORSE FOR ALL OF HUMANITY.... yeah, that's fucking right.

I'll tell you right now, Transit Union Workers make GOOD FUCKING MONEY, AND, they get an ENORMOUS PENSION.... Me, Pension? Um, never fucking heard of it... never will...

ME able to STRIKE? ME have a UNION of mobsters that make physical threats like a fucking CAVEMAN? NEver heard of it... never will...


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Camels over the Marlboro Man anyday...

If you had to choose between RJR and Phillip Morris, choose RJR. If you had to choose anything, well, choose RJR, (RAI)... because SAP, synergistic mergers, SKU cleansing, all streamlined into efficiency and cost cutting has made this conglomerate a chainsmoking cash flowing cash camel for everybody under the sun... 75% of their EPS goes back to the people... that's over 5% or 5 bucks a year for a single share... on top of that, add on the capital appreciation, and you got yourself the college education you need, and your kids too. A simple drip plan in a qualified plan would do the trick, figure you spend $5 bucks on that 1 out of the total 6 beers you drink per night, that's over a $100 bucks a month you could invest towards your kids education... and the bottom line is, Camel cigarettes taste better than Marlboros.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Clownfish and the Sea Anenome...

Figures it's the figure and not FOMC that tears a hole in one's ass and brings spirit to others...
...1.2000 on the Euro
...119.00 on the Yen
After a few hours of gridlock warfare, the Western Front fell as a psychological minefield of stops set off simultaneously when Axis broke through like Pearl Harbor at 4:15 GMT... as seen in the charts(Eur/Usd top, Usd/Jpy bottom)... Next target Euro is 1.2067... buy on dips... support 1.1985...

Philosopher and Plowman, Each Must Know His Part... to sow a new mentality...

...less hawkish... the eagle has not landed, nor has the dove risen from the ashes......Bad move g-span.... the First Word Bernanke utters after Jan 31 will define him......maybe that is a good thing......I kill... recording thoughts that fall between 1-2 sd... each of us a sudden awareness...

If Yen holds above 120 in the next two hours, Mr. Greeley is shorting Euro again...

...influx of demons in my brain...
...can't shake them currently...
...if I had no moral capacity I would slaughter myself...
...there he is wrapped in a ball... perhaps he's dead, I'll just make sure...

Monday, December 12, 2005

I Feel the Words Before the FOMC: Vigilant Stance on Inflation Remains, although Moderation is FOREMOST...

Lockheed: the right shoulder is beginning to form before mine own three eyes...
Duncan: aaaggghhh...
Lockheed: No Mr. Greeley, this is not magnetic resonance of your frontal lobe... worry not... rest my fellow traveler of time and anti-matter...

AND if I make it to the Waterside... I'll Be Sure to Write you a Note...

...Life is like a maze of doors and they all open from the side your on... Cat Stevens (pre-fatwa)

And so the blue demon, is no demon in the common sense... he uttered, 'Greenleaf...' yet his surname was 'Greeley'. Duncan Greeley, CPA. Currently unemployed is he... Hay, once her spherical senses approved of the current innoucous existence in Duncan, she brought him some warm oo-long tea. Seemed to have lost his way after his bi-polar depleted the serotonin on the 'manic' frequency, 5 HT axon twisted and torn, now useless... leaving him a dry husk conquered by major depressive disorder and acute anxiety DSM V. In his lean years, which are most if not all of his current linear years, he kept rolling his small savings in tax free muni-paper, and lived cheap, or should I say, 'existed' cheap. You see, I now let Duncan use the internet to search for jobs, although he is of the older generation, would rather walk door to door with his resume which is as follows:

Mr. Duncan J. Greeley, CPA

Experienced CPA seeking employment in a private or public firm or small partnership.

Education: 1988 Gesserite College, Stillville, PA BA in accounting

1978 Tabor High School, Ixtown, PA, graduated top 35%


1989-1993 customer service representative HR Block; duties included expense items for branch manager.

1995-1996 representative Jackson Hewitt; duties encompass 1099 forms.

2000-2001 Greeley and Tesseract CPA LLP;

Interests: I enjoy Stratego; two minds, a quiet place in the park, and watch the excitement begin...

my FEAR grips ME... my Fear GRIPS me....

....a change of tone? I hope so... market is standstill stagnant pre FOMC....
...a change of tone... well it's your last chance to do so... if not, EVERYONE is going to think that BERNANKE is Dovish.... unless you set the PROTOCOL, King Herod...

IF I HEAR ONE THING, JUST ONE THING... I think I will combust...

Dear Exisitential and Spiritual and all things action and inaction... do NOT let me hear a single fucking thing... not a fucking thing... Lockheed cannot be responsible for Lockheed's actions if he hears one thing about...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Lesson Learned Well need not be taught again...

...I have some lovely winter pictures from my window for another post...
...after torching the kiosk at the Christmas Village, '???.........???' was found 'self asphyxiated' or the appearance of such down the trails near the Central Park Chess House... I brought him home and gave him oxygen... he sleeps now on my couch... still in the phase of Countershock... so I cannot discern what his keel is in existence... Johnathan 'the clown' steadfast whispered darkness in his ears... Hay tried cutting her hair shorter... but was interrupted when this blue creature resided upon the couch... these things must come to pass... you will be scared, and it will disperse, and you will know Content.

Friday, December 09, 2005

MONEY WASTED Is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER; Truthfully it is Merely Distributed: Both Concentrated and Dispersed, Disseminated Like ENERGY...

To think otherwise, is the Coward's Excuse... and you will never better your familial strain... you will continue to be the PENULTIMATE BITCH in the Cosmos... there are no more rides for free...

It is beneficial to record one's thoughts when they lay between the borders after 1 up to 2 standard deviations...

beyond that... it can be deadly...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Show Me the Power Child, I'd Like to Say, that I'm Down On My Knees Today...

...Those fast food soda cup plastic lids... push the convex bubble to designate Cola, Diet, RB(rootbeer), Other...
...these lids are just like me... obsolete... yet still exist...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Rather Make It With a Letched Grey...

...this was the reaction of the silly puppets at the holiday villages when Hay walked by... I was half offended...

When the 96 period 2 SD is approximately in line with the 20 period 2 SD then you got strong support or resistance... on the 15minute period right now 746pm est Dec 6, 2005, such is the case in terms of Resistance at the figure 1.1800...
In this case, you'd use the outside 3 standard deviations as a scrutiny point to close position/and watch for breakout... not to fade off the 3 SD...

Monday, December 05, 2005


to lambaste without knowledge... is to be living in the Kingdom of Pussies...

...tonight I hope for visions in dreamstate...
...But I expect tumultuous half sleep, and cold sweats in my sweatpants pulled up high...

Young Teacher, The Subject... No DJIA11,000 by year's end...

...I was born with a Plastic Chopstick in myyyyy mouth... I look pretty young but I'm just backdated... yeahhhhh.... be the King of Pain...
...MUM took this photo over the weekend... it is astounding... it doesn't look of this linear epoch...

...and so I acknowledged [Bracketed Infinity] and finally grasped linear/spherical time in its most primitive format...

...will their be a plenty buffet for tomorrow's New Jersey muni bond offerings... I wish there to be... DJIA is tired... we must wait till 2006 c.e. linear...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dark...Cold... Intrigue...

sunday... at 2pm... i would like to see the euro dip down into the netherworld of sub 1.1700 preferably into the 1.1640-50 level.. is a photo from the Columbus Circle Xmas Village... these creatures are plotting... Hay overheard, quickly grabbed Curious by the hand and walked steadfast to Mum...

...she tells me they were conspiring... to set afire their Silly Puppet booth, have the owner collect the insurance in cash, and then strangulate him...

To Attest to the Large Cap Growth of Chewseph(bottom turtle)

Peculiar behaviour these two... Amex remains tiny as the day we brought him home... Chewy on the other hand, is a bulldozer... earlier that night, he hurled Amex with a mere backslap of his now formidable clawed paw, Amex fell on his back, lay momentarily stunned before right siding himself... then afterwards, in the firelight, Chewy allowed Amex to rest on top of his shell for a smooth heated surface... Chewseph Supongri and Amex Handudamesh...

Friday, December 02, 2005

NFP 215K... in line... no action...

...many spherical frequencies... path.... unknown... time to eat ramen noodle and vomit as I sit in the bath tub with the shower head on... sit like a woman violated... but without the trail of blood...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Grinding Tip During Stagnant Trading Waters...

Good for thick low price stocks and forex

Use a 15minute chart period... Apply the following Bollinger Bands
1)The classic 20 period/2 standard deviations
2)a 20 period/3 standard deviations
3)a 96 period/2 standard deviations

3SD is for closing a loser and scrutinizing a breakout...

96 period 2d is for general range and confluence strength; if coincides with the classic 20 period 2d, indicates strong level or support or resistance...

Muad Dib is the penultimate fool... as I read about his twin children before bedtime of dorks

I Asked Bobby Dylan, I asked the Beatles... They only knew how to entertain...

So ECB on the heels of the SNB is not so adrenalized like the FOMC... Bernanke take note, take note now and well...'s a real pain trying to offload 10,000 shares of IBM one minute before the close... and at the same time trying to place paper in a CA 7 day with muni traders that are dead asleep after 1200noon...
...i die in many ways...