Self-Induced Cognitive Behavioural and PsychoSomatic
Infarction of Amagdyla and 5ht Axons...
Pointless Privilege is a bad thing... Pointlessness is even worse. Entitlement is a bad thing...
Unwarranted Entitlement is even worse... Going to see an
ENT(ears,nose,throat otoranygal----) to utilize my oxygen intake... A
controlled level of
Oxygen Deprivation makes one think array, and on different frequencies, if left
uncontrolled throughout life, you destroy logic. We all know that the peak of 'human' evolution is
inevitably communist in its parameters(all aliens look alike and work as a total unit). So what is the peak of 'alien' evolution? I will never know. Myself, I'm going backwards... it's like having a giant elastic wrapped around your waist, tied to a
'primitive' pillar in the ocean, and swimming towards the
'moral' pillar... The closer you get to the 'moral' pillar, the more friction and leverage working against you... and at the point where it's within a fingers graps(this is the most crucial and dangerous point due to physics), this moral pillar, if you fail to grasp that pillar, your going to slingshot backwards, head over heals exponentially, back to
cerebral, slamming further back to
spinal cord functioning. Aside from 'career' failure, because I'm taking a break from writing about that... I've taken two Claritin, 6 Benadryls, and constant Nose Spray for about 4 weeks now. I'm only able to barely write this awful childish prose today, because I took Ativan. Mother was almost attacked by a
cracked out bum yesterday, thankfully, the 'tombstones' in my eyes, made him think twice.