Monday, April 30, 2007

Your Everlasting Sun and you see it fading fast, so you grab a piece of something you think is gonna last....

Are you reeling in the years...? ...stone away the time... you've been telling me I was a genius since I was seventeen, and after all the time I've known you, I still don't know what you mean... the weekends at the college didn't turn out how I planned, the things you pass for knowledge, I still don't understand...

Friday, April 27, 2007

I was born in Locust land... but that was many lives ago... why is it happening again now?

Genetic blends, with uncertain ends... No my mind is not for rent...

There's definitely alot of quantitative programs that I am tabulating with my human mind, to figure out the first order algorithm on the following 'defense' pair trading equities: HON, NOC, RTN, LMT, LLL, GD... Hopefully, the program will continue through next week into early May, by then I will be able to crack it, and ride with it, or destroy it, depending which choice will yield the best return for me. I picture a 'flowmetal' skinned robot plugged into all the feeds and making split millisecond bids and offers, similar to Erasmus after the Butlerian Jihad against 'thinking' machines. I heard they are back. No my mind is not for rent...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've Felt the Coldness of my Winter... I'd never though it would GO..... (it hasn't)

Made enough going long [HON] on the open today, and then more so on the retracement on Honeywell, to pay for 'three' whole months of my 'minimum payment' on my credit card debt! (sarcasm) Yah. I'm not excited. I don't feel like the little baby cousin who you picked on savagely, and then in a brief respite, because of dinner, she thinks the torment is over... No. I'm fucked. Just like t-crit for r= r(sqrt of n-2/1-rsqrd).
And I traded 500-1000 shares at a time on the long side only. Look at the intraday chart on HON, and do the math. Therefore, I conclude that I KNOW I have 'insider' info on the impending collapse of 'Capital One'. If you know what I mean. They're idiots in the credit lending game, just as the subprime idiot were with mortgages. Ain't gonna be no bailout. No bailouts. I eat what I kill, and what kills me, starves me to death... Fine.Fair is fair. I hold NO Quarter.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Upgraded the Blue Monster Rain Repellant Air Conditioner Patent 115813

Just some spring cleaning. For about 5 years, I lost alot of towels, and shirts, on top of the air conditioner, in an attempt to stop the .45 caliber bullet sounding 'raindrops' that pelt the tin case of the A/C, driving me crazy. Just some spring cleaning, spring cleaning, clean out my fucking brain...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Short Run, Long Run... Aggregate Demand/Suppy...

When it comes down to it, Calvin, the bottom line, is it worth it? And in regards to the long run, was it worth it?

I'm Pretty Sure this is what my Lungs look like these days...

Had this ash tray for about 6 years or so... One more week of earnings season, and I have to step it up. Bigtime. Got another interview Monday with a hedge fund. I am not counting on it, nor the prior interview last week. So I gotta go big into next week's earnings. All NYSE equities. Had a debauchery week, that I have to cut out soon, because it resembled a Personal Krasilec too much... drinking too much scotch and socializing with perhaps the wrong people. I walk away to the jukebox, after talking to this 6 foot 5 Irish-American 'made-man' , and he asks another local that I know, 'So tell me about this kid? Is he a good kid?' Local says, 'Aww, he's a great kid, great guy...' Tells the other local about an altercation the local had, and says, 'I'll look into it'. On the conservative side, I'd say he's 'muscle', and not 'hit', says he can get me an interview with all the senior executives at all the big banks, gives me his number. I doubt it's no strings attached, so I will just chalk it up as another funny story. I'm think I'm so-phisticated because I'm living my life like a good homo sapien. But I'm no better than the animals sitting in the cages in the zoo, mon...
...she pulls her dinner, from her pooockket...

Almost Done Final CFA Book...

Krasilec will be upon me... will finish the final book at the library later today(Saturday afternoon). Will then begin the practice test sessions and solidfy knowledge by May 15th, 2007. It will be a triumphant feeling, and sustainable, at a mature pace of 5% for the next three years, then a perpetual 8%... Show me the power child, I'd like to say, that I'm down on my knees today... ...till I'm up on my feet again... Hare krishna, hare krishna... hare rama, hare rama... rama rama... hare hare..

Friday, April 20, 2007

It's Easier Not to be Wise...

I sank into Eden within...
I'll read to you here, save your eyes...'ll need them, your boat is at sea... anchor is up, I've been swept away...

If the Dow goes for another all time 'record' day in about 8.5 hours from now... I'm long MER(merrill), long TIF(Tiffany), and hell, I'll even be long the Housing Sector, a nice little basket of treats, like Easter, and the Long Hollow Bunny Ear chocolates...


Thursday, April 19, 2007

F. SCOTT, you might very well beat me in the longevity game...

Stashoo,Congrats on the publication. I've yet to crack the code of Fitzgerald 'tragic success'. But I might finish his, 'Last Tycoon'....In fact, I took out a loan for 30K, in order to confine myself to my room for 1 month, the month of May, in order to finish his novel, and then send it to Harper Collins...

There is No Pain...I am Receding...

Hayheehoo decided to join the Summer Glee Club at Claremont Academy. They sang one of those inappropriate songs that oddball hippie middleaged 'public school' music teachers would have kids sing, some typical Carly Simon shit:

...Baby sneezes, Mommy pleases, Daddy breezes in.... so good on paper... so bewildering...'s coming around again...
...the itsby bitsy spider... climbed up the water spout... Down comes the rain... and wash the spider out... Out comes the sun, and dried up all the rain...and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again..........
....coming around again....

You're Time is Gonna Come.. Another Routine Krasilec...

The Golden Age, the Bronze Age, etc.... the Industrial Age, the Informational(internet) Age, ecetera, ecetera fuck.... TEXT messaging is perhaps, the closest yet the human civilization has gotten to all knowing... far from it still... but much more due to TEXT messaging, are we closer. I say we, because, currently I am a human.... Example being, I sent a three part string of text messages to aquaintances, after speaking to some guy who runs the Vanderbilit's family office in Rockefeller Center... some bullshit about college savings, LTC(long term care) whatever.... anyways, it ends with an old friend texting me with this message: I'll call you tomorrow, enjoy your enlarged ass fillings. I presume now, that he expected homo sexual urgings from my text, when I simply wrote: Not Quite.
Now, Krasilec, is basic sci-fiction-sci-faction term coined in the 80's in regards to pop culture about the apocalypse... but for those readers of this blog, you should now know that EVERYBODY has their own PERSONAL Krasilec, Holocaust, (because it's all relative to a tee)etc.... and it need not be 'flamboyant'.... just like you should all know now that the ONE TAIL z-scores of 90,95,99 are 1.28, 1.645, 2.33 respectively. enough said... heard it's going to be warm this weekend, something called 'one week of spring' before 100+ temp farenheit, where I hide all my ink with longsleeve linen...

Genetic Blends...with Uncertain Ends...

So it's been over ten weeks now with no fucking unemployment insurance... Taxes were all screwed up. I'm burning my candle at both ends until June 2nd, running up a sizeable nasty debt that will make this Subprime shit look like Peter fucking Pan dancing around in the night sky like a faggot.
Grinding up some gains trading shit like MER and MO and TIF but so far that'll only cover the interest. I'll have to keep it up for about 253 years to just break into the principal. Gonna have to put the kids up for adoption in two months...
So many people have come and gone... their faces fade as the years go by...
Yet I still recall as I wander on... as clear as the sun in the summer skyyyyy.....
I see my Marianne walking away...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

But Stand Close By Bettie Davis... Because Her's Was Such a Lonely Ride...

...And those who are successful, be always on your guard: Success walks hand in hand with failure... along wall street...
I wish my life was a nonstop Hollywood movie-show.... because Celluloid heroes, never feel any pain...and Celluloid heroes never really die...

Something Went Wrong, I'm Not Sure What...

Now I'm just sitting at home alone... starting over from scratch... both these positions are against me. I'm contrarian and mean reversionist, so I'm short both KO and TIF going into a RECORD day for the DJIA. I see money coming off into the buying.... but what I see now, are idiotic retail mutual fund managers buying heavy into the close... radars are in need of tweeking.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Days of the Expiration...

It's pouring giant cold April rain... I need to get a filter sponge for Chewy and gloves to clean out his amphibious home. Funny story.... took the 81st crosstown from the east side to the upperwest after playing boardgames with an old friend last night. Walking past 'Gari' on Columbus Ave, I saw Dustin Hoffman and some lady walk out, and he looked at me, and I paused, blew out some smoke from my cigarette, and said, 'Willy Loman'. He smiled with a grin, and I said, 'Good stuff.' He said, 'Thanks.' And then I walked back home and bought 4 Ramen noodle units. Well, anyways, I'm living on borrowed time... like willy loman, but I don't got a hose, or a cellar to hang myself in...

Monday, April 02, 2007

That's forever... We got Eighty Feet of of the Waterline... nicely making way...

and laughter the key to your heart... don't know what they are putting up here on the corner of Broadway and 72nd... Sunday in the afternoon, what do you've go to lose... I'm going to fly away... what have I got to lose... Will you come see me... Thursdays and Saturdays... Chestnut brown canary, ruby throated sparrow... ring around the moonlight... usd/jpy range 117-118, seems endless after the ruckus of early march...