Sunday, October 29, 2006

Like a No Ship, the Fabled Dune 7 appears at bookstores out of nowhere...

...after finishing Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle, for my brain relaxation reading, I began reading the prequels of Dune written by Frank Herbert's son and another sci-fi co-author. As fun as they are(I'll continue to read them), I am never overzealous about 'prequels', and the writing in the prequels borders on young adult fiction at times. Anyways, mum said the other day that she saw a 'new' Dune book, and I thought it was probably another installation of the prequels, and that she was just saying senile stuff subconsciously trying to grasp at the olden days which made me sad. Turns out, she was right; it's the fabled seventh book of the original Dune series, that follows after Chapterhouse Dune, the latter of which was published 20 years ago. The manuscript/outlines and notes of 'Hunters of Dune', were locked in a box, and discovered while Herbert's son was writing the last prequels, 'House Corrino', etc. The cover art is great, and so are the colors, as you can see. I'm definitely going to read a chapter or two tonight before bedtime. And since it may have been ages since you've read Chapterhouse Dune, you could read a simple plot synopsis on wikepedia which is pretty sufficient.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bipolar Weather today...

...we still made it to the Annual Central Park Halloween Bash, where Curious picked up a pumpkin on at the cherry hill pumpkin patch, Hay took a hayride, and we got to see the 'voice' of Spongebob Squarepants sing songs in Spongebob's voice, and got free Cabot cheddar cheese, a spongebob pin that reads, 'Best day ever!', some sunflower seeds, fruit strips, cocoa cat marshmallows, plastic spider rings, and watched the children's costume contest. It was a fun time for the whole family. And then me and mum went to the postwar Japan restaurant on St. Marks. Mum and the kids are going to carve the pumpkin, and I have to crunch some trade reconcilation numbers, read a chunk of option theory, and practice some rapid fire hand signals. Slowly figuring out the best routine.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Presentable Vegetable...

...if I lacked the ability, or when the time simply came where I had too, then I wouldn't mind being a presentable vegetable. ie) a recruiter contacted lockheed about a high paying Goldman Sachs operations position. If I were the operations type, it would be great and suitable, but I simply think too much for that line of work. Well, it's the weekend again. And I guess I'll take the kids to the Central Park Halloween Party tomorrow, rain or shine, and then study under an umbrella or something...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back...

...I'm going down... in a blaze of glory...
...take me down, but know the truth...

Bearshare has only unplugged versions of crappy songs to begin with... a year's time, if I don't fail in the meantime, I will be able to lay claim on my little destiny... unless I get inundated with a big festering neon distraction... quotas are now set on Hate Emissions and Populist Annoyances, any overdraw of these quotas will result in spiritual death... lockheed already has HO futures/spreads and cracks pegged in the three ring circus, known as the heating oil pit... I currently stand on the highest ring(step), but would like to make my way to the center...

...the ride down to the Nymex is convenient enough, taking the express train, and seeing little kids going to school... and then on the way home, I could easily get off at 14th street and play ping pong with the gays...or just bobble around... also found another irish bar called Brady's, which will probably become my work local hole in the wall.

Monday, October 23, 2006

One great big festering neon distraction...

...was just listening to a mid 90's tool album, and it reminded me of an infantile ravenous craving for MDMA and meth, and the rebirth of some of my basic moral pillars...

Requests Your Ugly Presence at the Vicarage for Tea...

...Curious was in serious need of a bubble bath... I could smell him from a mile away, even looking at a digital photo of him, I could smell him. Nov and Dec heating oil[HOX6; HOZ6] seems to have found support at 16600 and 16975 respectively. I was mistakened for being in my mid 30's today due to my face and hair...

So the kids got Fight Night 2 for PS2, and discovered that when you lean back away from a hook, as opposed to blocking(parry) a hook, you get a serious 'edge' with a 90% connection rate if you immediately follow with a Straight Right(a power punch as opposed to a jab).

Friday, October 20, 2006

We're Goin' Down, We're Goin Down Now... You're Street in a range rover...

The only place where you'll have the honor to hear a loud rendition of both Nellie and Robert Plant by some fat middle aged Italian guy is in the heating oil futures pit at the NYMEX, followed by ten sloppy whatevers shouting at the Italian, 'Shut the fuck out of here!'

Thursday, October 19, 2006

exhaust mechanisms HO 1.7250

deese heat crack; novie deese
...a new market for lockheed

Friday, October 13, 2006

So there's this site that I hear about and this one is funny...

The site is called, 'overheard in new york', and basically people write in with things they overheard. And this one is hilarious, especially because of the 'title' of it, because the title is absurdly true:

It's Even Funnier If You Know What They're Talking About
Girl #1: You're a geek, too. You took your Lord of the Rings action figures to the opening night of Return of the King, and you made them sit on your lap and watch the movie.

Girl #2: That wasn't me.

Girl #1: Oh yeah. That was me. But you like Dune.

Girl #2: Don't you have a crush on Muad'Dib?

Girl #1: Oh yeah.

--Penn Station

So the title is funny, because everyone can logically follow the Lord of the Rings stuff, but if you actually know who Muad' Dib is, it's painfully funny.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


... some photos I took out my window about an hour ago... I was short MOT which was meandering after ERICY earnings, then it dumped with some momentum not necessarily technically called for... now it's raining, and there are a bunch of helicoptors flying along both W72nd and E72nd, which is double creepy, because they first thought it was a 'helicopter' that hit the building, but turns out it was a small plane...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Metal Meltdown Continues... AA misses street... will NUE, X, and the whole complex, in an already battered sector(short term)... but this post is about ceramics and rubber and cloth... mum redecorated the bathroom and the kids love it... curious pretends he's in a winter forest in a high mountain in Japan with snow monkeys and hot wellsprings... you could argue that this is just a 'filler post', but it's actually a pretty nice looking bathroom now and comfy on your feet... there's also a mosquito in my room that has bitten me 10 times so far in the last 24 hours... and I can't find him... also, late at night, I often tell Curious that at the Candy Store, there's tons of Sesame Street character dolls, and he's says,'yeah, yeah, elmo...' and then I say under my breath,'And they're also selling tons of pretty good Curious George dolls...' and then he immediately says,'What? What? Whadda you mean?' and then gets sad and sleeps with Hay.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Comparison Leaves No Excuse for the (.......) man. the fruitstand on the corner of my street, hired a new guy to collect the fruits and handle the cash flow. Technically, it's not necessary for this guy to be working there, because it's only about a 6x3 foot fruit table, but as I always say, I respect the work ethic of the Mexican immigrants that I see working in NYC all the time. This guy loves his job, is always quick to open the plastic bag and even smiles a lot. About two weeks after he was working at the fruitstand, I noticed he was given more responsibility and now handles the cash exchanges too.

As simple as it may be, it's both a sense of appreciation and accomplishment, because it's all about relative prosperity and proportional happiness. Skills, Work Ethic and Job position all in line. That's being content.

And he's even developed some raw sales skills, because he knows his regular customers(me for one), and one time, when I walked by, he opened a plastic bag, ready for me to buy my bananas.

I wish he worked at the Mcdonald's across the street instead of the majority of other types working there(see previous Mcfucknald's post a few posts down for a classic golden arch observance). The language barrier would prevent a cashier position, but I bet he would flip the exact amount of burgers on time, and even read order flow and build up a temporary surplus based on the lines, instead of having hip hop rap contests behind the grill.

Friday, October 06, 2006

If Yankees get to a 5th game on Sunday... I have a few years left...

Randy Johnson has to win tonight combined with A-Rod, a totally horrid investment, worse than putting your money into the Amaranth hedge fund, or buying LUCENT technologies at $80. A-Rod, who I simply don't like because he is awful. A-Rod, himself, I commend in being a smart business man in taking that pay and living in the Trump Tower, but as a player, he is fucking average and for the PUSSY POPULIST's sake, I'll say, A-ROD should 'SPREAD his WEALTH' to the BATBOY, the PEANUT and HOTDOG vendors, and maybe to Melky and Wang. But of course, A-ROD is ETHNIC, and therefore, he shouldn't have to answer to the populist claims that so often HAUNT any white corporate executive, who makes much less.

With that said, Jared Wright, is not white trash, but he's basically as close as you can get, in regards to LOW Middle Class, and his name reaks of some white trash kid from my old public highschool in New England. And he will definitely lose the 4th game.

of course, in the Motor City, a sweep is possible, simply due to the players nerves of having a full blown riot that not even Al Sharpton could put a positive spin on.

goodbye. Jeremy's spoken... spoken... jeremy's spoken.. in class today...

the first photo/caption I find hilarious...

it's funny watching GM trade like a Tech stock...

...more plop and pooping on news... first the nissan/renault drop talks, and then tracinda saying, 'fuck it'.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

filler post 9993: In my free time, which is either 'alot' or 'zero' which works in a bimodal bell curve, I research data points... I've realized with a confidence level of 95%, and p<.005, that 99% of suicides can be statistically prevented. Yet, I also know, due to intrinsics, and perhaps, residual error, that 99% of willingingly suicidal creatures, will do it, if they really want to do it, no matter what. That means, the coefficient of r is for the most part ZERO...and now I can grow... beautiful shells for all the sea...

If You Are Reflexively Offended By this Post, then, you're probably one of the reasons why I'd rather jump off the Empire State building...

...anyways, there is this crazily efficient Southeast Asian girl working at the McDonald's on W72nd and Broadway... You notice this because the following: You walk in, and there are FOUR cashiers taking orders. THE LINE of customers, is divided as such: 1, 2, 9, 1. The line of 9 is waiting behind the asian girl, and it quickly becomes a line of 3, then 1, etc.... Because she's like a fucking human calculator, and moves the line and revenue stream at 10 people per 1, versus the other girls and boys, which I will politically correctly and patronizingly say for the WIMPS(well intentioned misguided pussies), are a little more to the left of the classic linear color spectrum. And then, the line formations becomes 0, 1, 2, 1, within 5 minutes. And the cashier with 0, says under her breathe, so NOBODY could hear her except me, because I already had my fucking fries and chicken strips all ready to go, 'can I help-' and then she just giggles, turns around, and starts literally pinching this other guy's ass who's making a soft chocolate ice cream cone. Whatever. Call Al Sharpton if you are offended by this post. I'm sure he really cares.

I was almost going to add, that white people are allowed to be loud and obnoxious too, unless you subconsciously hold them to a higher standard than non-white people, whom must always be given the benefit of the doubt, regardless because mtv says so(and because you really think they are inherently inferior) ... oh wait, I just did add that....

Ian Anderson Plays the Orchestral Jethro Tull at Lincoln Center tonight...

I would go, I really would, but I don't deserve it... flute beatboxing and the bloody church of England...

Yesternight, Hay wanted to join online Warcraft, but she couldn't because I didn't want to download another program that might crash my computer, and because I couldn't afford the monthly fee, so I ended up buying her some cheap 2D game with similar characters but super cheap playability and no real people to interact with... and Hay pretended to be happy playing it, and she would make up far fetched reasons as to why it was better than Warcraft (or just as good as Warcraft). And then when I went out to the library to study, she would immediately shut it off, and when she heard me returning a few hours later, with the key in the door, I heard her frantically telling Curious to upload the game again...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

How Good Day's Go so Ugly... AOL Instant Messenger transcript:

Lockheed: Time hath come again... SBUX SSS... It could go either way... above 4% I'm long, but I'm thinking short this fucker anywhere if sss is below 3.3.% They've been buying this shitty weak pussy coffee up all day...
Fellow Vagabond Trader: yeah. drinking some now, need something stronger, do you have anything stronger? I bet [-----] can get me some 10/04/2006 03:47:56PM
Lockheed: I hope it's a snare, but who knows... I will know in T-15 minutes...Good to know you [-----], wish me godspeed and a quick death when I got to Debtor's Prison, drawn and quartered, but first HUNG quickly...and if I fail... I will not rest till I lay my head... in the HOUSE OF STONE and LIGHT.... 10/04/2006 03:53:25 PM

FVT: you seeing these big prints way outside of market? 10/04/2006 04:16 PM
Lockheed: yeah, they're downright eerie...
Lockheed: could be a big seller just closing out after today's run up...
FVT: you still short?
Lockheed: yeah, but going to reverse and hit that ARCA at .96...plenty there... just gonna wait another second or so...
FVT: Cramer said it's going to 40 quick...
Lockheed: well yeah, it's volatile enough to go to 40 or 32 real quick, take your pick...
Lockheed:... for christ, when is this confuonded number coming out? 10/04/2006 04:27 PM
FVT: like 2 minutes
Remote trading system then crashes and Lockheed has to reboot the platform, cursing his life...
FVT: 6%!!!!% 10/04/2006 04:31 PM
Lockheed: 6^% 6%?
FVT: yeah
Lockheed: Faducking sytem is fuckkd down... Fuck, where's itss trading.??/
FVT: 37.65
Lockheed: 37????
FVT: I'm out... not touching it
System reboots...
Lockheed: I puked it... so obscenely, break a fist, it's statistical bad luck, seriously, this happens so many times... it's almost at 38 now...
FVT: that is a rip
Lockheed: 6 fucking percent... must be that fucking 'elitist' 'underground' artists showcase at select Starbucks locations in Faggotville, US.
FVT: ?
Lockheed: Shift Arca, I had my hands poised to reverse... system of the piece of shit down killed me...
FVT: that is a rip... should be plenty action tomorrow during the analyst meeting...
Lockheed: in the house of stone and lighttttttt....

...SBUX SSS in t-29 minutes... est. 3.6% support at 32.50 if it sucks, top is 37 if beats...

GM Plops and Poops on news of no merger... and the birth and entrenchment of the Corporate Dole... should plop down further for the rest of the month... but once again, I'm posting on the blog during the day, during a weekday...anyways, I've never had a problem transfering credit card balances, online or on snail mail... until I got the blue card from Amex(not to be confused with my late turtle who rests on a hill in the Ramble, basking in the occasional sun patch, a hill that I wish to likewise rest on soon).

...Anyways, if you ever become so desperate for employment, send your resume(even if it is blank, with zero or even 'negative' education(negative education would be if you were actually being taught that 1+1 equals 85 million or 38.2), and zero experience or negative experience, just write your name(you don't actually need to know how to write, so have somebody write your name on the top line of your blank resume) to American Express for a customer service position. I bet they get paid at least 30k with benefits too.

...So basically, for all intents and purposes, they won't let me pay my bill online, nor will they send me a bill in the mail; until I miss my first payment date, so they can jack my APR to at least 30%. Then it should work smoothly, I'm sure of it. I'm told to call back in 24 hours and it should be 'working', although I was told the same thing last week. I just didn't have the care of the damn to actually have them put me on hold 1000+ times to keep passing this simple issue and responsibility to each of their 'colleagues' in their fucking monkey cage, until I got slowly up the shithead ladder to speak with somebody who isn't on corporate welfare.

Motherfucking retards got me good, which thereupon makes me a quadruple retarded faggot.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Must Go There... Where?

...In the House of Stone and Light... trouble in Asia means flight to security, nowadays means flight to the euro... anyways, Martin Page, which I don't think has any connection to Jimmy Page... but I'll wikepedia check just in case... had this song in around 1995-96, which is generic in all of its instruments, melody, rhythm, chorus, and one can almost say adult contemporary 'lyrics'. But look further into the lyrics, and it is not so... and that's makes the song extra good.

How I want to be comfortably numb, but just uncomfortable these days...

...seems like NFP this Friday will register a soft to crash landing figure... After about 10 interviews in the past month or so, no offers... I think people call on my resume with absolutely no intention to hire, but to use me as interviewee fodder for new Human Resource hires to practice interviewing with. I should get paid for that I think. I should get paid by each company who I give up my opportunity cost away from the market where I could be making money, and dress up and show up for triple interviews that take hours, only to never hear back from them. I really should get paid, because I'm basically training their Human Resource department on how to interact with a solid candidate.

I truly believe that if I had simply focused on trading since July '06 without any distraction from recruiters and firms giving me the runaround, I could have made back the fortune I had, but lost in June '06. Tomorrow, it begins. I'm going back to the office, and will trade both equities and foreign exchange. Then, at 5pm, I will study until 8pm. And then afterwards, come home a little past midnight, so I can avoid something that on the outside, seems trivial, but on the neurotic scale, is blunting to me, and stifles my attempt at progress.

Monday, October 02, 2006

automat and japanese post war sinatras...

...on st. marks, not to be confused with the twin taisho yakitori's is a somewhat new japanese place that when one enters is twilightesque zone, with post war japanese show tune music playing off of bomb shelter siren speakers, old japanese pinball games hanging on the wall, and an outdoor smoking area... if you stay too long, you realize that all the employees are horrifically burnt with exposed teeth and gums and no eyelids(ie-ghosts from the 1950's)... also aside from it is the Automat, which is the automatic warm food and treat vending machine wall. You could get chicken nuggets, peanut butter/jelly, burgers, etc... without any human interaction, in a retro-futuristic environment, also twilight zone... where if you try to walk to 3rd ave, you end up back on st. marks starting on 2nd ave again, and it's always night.