Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dark Non-Filler Post: Be Lucky to Touch a Voodoo Stock Once, Be Even Luckier NOT to Touch it a Second Time... GOOGLE [GOOG]

Of course, the TV Watching Gluttons of America hear about one sensationalized malpractice, and these idiots that I will kill before I die say thus: all doctors are evil and rich, and they somehow stole their MCAT, Step I, and II scores from an oppressed '.........' man... They never worked hard in their lives, demerit, demerit, please stop... please stop... this is lockheed asking you to stop...

Something about a mass murder today in a government office triggered this post... and we know through exposure that the majority of this occupation aren't all evil and malicious... but how easy it would be to expose the most damning of hypocrisy... I heard about that doctor who misdiagnosed that 1 out of 1000 patients he correctly diagnoses and heals a year(complete with the classic Vietnam Vets hurling their old hat 'fuck you gook doctor, I don't want your immigrant dumbness treating me)...yes, Cliff from Cheers and Dr. Doolittle, are both evil murderous scum... lets all live in mudhuts and drag our lovers by the hair while carrying a club...

please, before it's too late, realize the Self-Limiting train of thought that has been forced upon you by the Elite Masters of Popular Culture... actually read the New Testament before you bash it...

this will all be over soon.

Monday, January 30, 2006

I'll Read to You Here, Save Your Eyes...

Filler Post 161.8 (feel free to read the previous posts): A whole quasi-human sized PBJ is tough work for George to consume... but it's okay, as he always ends up drawing hieroglyphics in the peanut butter sands of spherical time...

What's for the most part, sorrowful, is that simply seeing a digital picture of Curious here, or Hay, my only children, on this blog, even when checking from a remote location, I could physically smell them... a waff of mixed pheremones, sweat, and leftover sadness from another time...

A Boy Who Wouldn't Go and Change with the Other Boys in the Change Room, and When..They Finally Made Him... They... found Tattoos all over his Body...

Hayheehoo Asset Management 1:1 leverage long equity performance 2 month period return versus Dow Jones Industrial Average: Asset Size: $5Million
12/02/2005-01/30/2006 Hayheehoo Return: 10%
12/02/2005-01/30/2006 DJIA Return: -0.009%
Hay slowed it all down, so get the hell up, like a volcano, she erupts...

XTO next long position.... clean margins... $1.20-1.30Mcfe versus industry average cost of $2.50Mcfe... MC Fe, is not a techno/hip hop DJ in the Bowery, MC Fe is one thousand cubic fucking feet of natural gas reserves...
Yes, anyone from any socioeconomic-demographic can buy a share of XTO stock. I will not 'revisit' nor hopefully be 'forced to revisit' this absurdly annoying class/race issue through indirect prefaces from my sphere of existence ever fucking again; curb a week of drunken pleasure and you'll be able to afford ten weeks of drunken pleasure if you're patient and disciplined. Keep your dick in your pants. Better yet, take your XTO earnings and buy your kid a reasonable winter jacket, and still have enough to buy your puffy triple fat waste of ducks, and your new NIKE sneakers at the same time you rant against Nike's sweat shops. Enough said.
...Oh wait, I have the primitive propensity for taking sad actions... you look so precious... you look so precious... this will be over soon.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Filler Post with Jelly M' Peanut Butter...

Hay told Curious if he didn't eat his peanut butter m' jelly sangwich for breakfast, we wouldn't take him to Congee's dim sum for dinner... Hay likes the braised pork shoulder, because she is a 'halfling'. Sometimes we allow the juice to coagulate and then we put it in on rice and heat it up for extra taste. We will be getting on the B train to 34th street, and then the V to Delancey... What seems innocuous to the untrained eye, actually requires the utmost in political mediation... times were much smoother and productive a little while back, and the next move will cause mutual sadness, in order to usher in a golden path of happy unshakeable achievement... Hence I've downed Ativan, when I try not to use it... setting me back for shake-sweat palms...

Friday, January 27, 2006

FILLER POST: HAL E$1.02 v 0.89; R$ 5.20B

…Yeah, Advanced GDP... my Guild Mentat Map projected such a shortfall...
...but Equity Markets like it, because overall, for the year GDP was 3.5%(for an econmy as big as the US, that's good)... and the 1.1% Q4 GDP was bad enough to knock the wind out of the Fed's rate hiking projections I think... or so the street thinks...
...it's all about 'sustainable' growth... if you had to guide the economy for a marathon, you wouldn't all out sprint the first mile, pumping your arms and legs like crazy because you'll collapse to a standstill at the first bend in the road... (that's half my fear of the high GDP growth from China and such)...
…and Halliburton(Shallow Hal), which was my week's Halli-Burden, unleashed the energy today with EPS coming in at $1.02 v $0.89; revenues of 5.9Billion for Q4 05' c.e… news of spinning off 20% of its KBR construction unit in an IPO, traded as high as 81 on 3 times average daily volume… now if only Chesapeake [CHK] will awake from hibernation and release its energy…

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I Could Die Now With No Remorse: FORCED PEACE OF MIND

First Things First: That ultra Fibonacci/ellipse-fan-ret pictured on the far left, is holding ground like the Spartans at Thermypolae... been well over a month now... you ever see that douchebag arsty-poopy movie 'PIE'... yeah this is the real thing... no hollywood pussydom...
Diagnosis Update to Couz:
It's possible that you can suck up all the fucking negative shit until you are 59.5 or 70.5 linear years old. But at 59.5, and definitely at 70.5 years old.... FUCKING KILL and SLAUGHTER EVERYTHING.
LHM, CEC of Lprasert Inc. Chief Executive Cousin

Oh and do I want to 'Play the Field?' I guess this is an american term...
Sure, the FIELD OF PEACE OF FUCKING MIND... that's about it.

In closing:

RIDE CAPTAIN RIDE... UPON YOUR MYSTERY SHIP......Dearest Dubyum, my one true hometown friend......i think you'll be awesome in sentient linear life......cyclically, you will be like me... clinically depressed....of course, clinical diagnosis of major depression equates to this: OOOoooooh, you had the LUXURY of getting DIAGNOSED.... ie) fuck you, you silverspoon fuck, we be real...

LOCKHEED RESPONSE: FUCK YOU TO INCORPORATED CHRISTIAN HELL, FUCK YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU ALL when i reach 59.5 linear years OLD.... DICKHEAD, ASSHOLE... I'M the FIRST FUCKER in my CHINESE FAMILY to speak ENGLISH.... Yeah, Baba my Dad had the same fucking ford shit two door and used station wagon with coagulated coca-cola all over the burn your ass in hot weather leather seats... yeah, during his residency he worked at A&P stacking meat... yeah he works at the VA as a doctor, he's smart as fuck... He could've tripled his income doing Private Practice, but he was Appreciative of AMERICA, and so he gave back by healing as many VETERANS as he could... YET, I hear about Child Support HICKS in KENTUCKY Lambasting IMMIGRANT DOCTORS, saying, "I'm scared they'll prescribe me POISON. And if they do, I'll SHOOT them PLUMB in the EYE." FUCK YOU, you fucking white trash worthless fag.

So anyways, HANDED TO ME ON A SILVER SPOON? FUCK YOU, you FOURTH GENERATION WHITE FUCK WHO's STILL A FUCKING CONVICT, WHITE JANITOR, molesting your daughter, and bitching about that Manufacturing JOB that pays well for your fucking skills. Move to CHINA or INDIA, you'll be the fucking PRINCE of MONACO, scumbag. FAGGOT. I WILL KILL YOU ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS, if you don't open your mind.

My sentient fellows, my lords, my lords, here is my ongoing TATTOO chat on YAHOO GROUPS... I haven't dorked out enough yet to post my DUNE/Frank Herbert YAHOO GROUP chats... but here's my TATTOO GROUP... as a preface, I have enough tattoos all over my fucking body it would make OSAMA BIN LADEN wage a FATWA against OSAMA BIN LADEN...

Colin Tabb wrote:
Lock is always negative - i barely even read any posts anymore because of Lock....you are the only one who is kills hope on this forum and most of the stuff you say isn't even true.

Nicole C. wrote:
I thought this was supposed to be a support group, not a negativity group, always so negative!!!!

Lockheed wrote:
Give me a break. The Psychological Pain of having Tattoos is Unbounded.... I would rather take the pain of using a blowtorch to my skin.

tattoo_girl_1987 wrote:
Hi Valeria,Congrats on your first session!

Oh, i forgot... this is a blog about trading for a living...
helpful tip of the day: if you grind by scalping small pips.... try to emulate Shaun Alexander of the Seahawks... Go for TEN pips, no more, or at least try to break even(line of scrimmage)... after one week(one game per week), you could reasonably capture over 100yards running... or 100 PIPS.

So, there will be THREE new INSTALLMENTS:
3)Not Dune chat just yet, but occasional
www.badsamaritan.com comments...
-such as: dude... it's lockheed... let me comment, instead of your RED TAPE delay anti-spam delay shitfuck...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jesus Wanted To Cradle the Balls of the Incompetent at All Times...

You libs certainly lick and cradle the balls of the incompetent like a knee-jerk reflex even if they strong armed robbed your own momma... Jesus is really your poster boy, admit it... and you know, those incompetents would never cradle your balls, they'd kick them in... and you'd excuse them... so burn in fucking Incorporated Christian Hell...

So anyways, I was walking down the street earlier, and I heard a loud drawn out screeching noise of burning rubber... followed by a loud crashing noise, like metal colliding, and then sirens. I almost thought it was a 'car accident'... but that would be 'stereotyping'.

...sucks how used to never have to feel this much unproductive anger in my life...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

TROPICO'S NIGHT: A Brand New Installment on TradingandDrugs

Tropico is a moderate level bar/restaurant in Grand Central, by MetLife...Tommy is the man at Tropico. Yeah, authentic American Italian... I'd say second generation... He's the Robert Deniro character in the 'Bronx Tale'. Well, Tommy's 15 year old son is in some trouble with the juvenile prosecutor... some stupid teenage angst act about anti-semitism and anti-negro stuff... but that's just the preface to Tropico Post One on this Blog...

So, here are the demographics of Tropico:
The Regulars:

-60 year old WASPS that hate Japs because they're so good with managing economics...(fucking lambasting until until they die, because they got about 15 years)

-40 year old Italian business men(talking business)...

-30 year old Black Investment Bankers and Traders(fucking ballers that I envy because they can stomach a 15% P&L down day like stomaching Carvel Ice Cream Cake when you need some sugar; hell after 6 years, I still get bent up about losing 5%)

-40 the occasional middle aged women of all demographics...

-30-46 Italian Blue Collar construction workers who forcefully drop 'F' Bombs and say nasty things about their 'ladies' every one to hear. And then take so much pride in having family from Sicily... third generation American fuckers don't know shit on how hard it is...

Tommy doesn't like this last category, because his son got into trouble hanging out with this type. Same time, he's gotta serve these pizanos, because he knows how to run a bar, like Warren Buffet knows how to run a portfolio.

-30 Oh, and did I forget to add the OLC? the One Lone Chink on the hill, that's me(the Mentat staring at Death's Head). The fool on the hill, who doesn't smile.. wish it were otherwise...

...anyways, so today's story is about how I was dumping a shitload of Johnson and Johnson [JNJ] at market...Then these dudes come in, one happens to be a NYSE specialist for JNJ from Banc of America... we chat... he says you guys slammed me today... I says yeah, drink up... that's the Business. That's Existentialism.

So then I hop the train downtown, see a Hassidic Jew... I say,'Slicha?'which is 'excuse me' in Hebrew. An instant smile and surprise on his face...I ask about Tel Aviv around this time, as I liked the weather in2003c.e. He says it's spring to summer, but said he didn't follow the geopolitics, but overall, he said it would be safe there.

I just made a solid return in selling the US economy and buying the Eurzone economies.... I think I will take MUM and the KIDS to Tel Aviv for an entire week. And play paddle ball (Kadima) on the beach along the Mediterranean.


Acceptable and Unacceptable risk/rewards

We will always lament if we measure pay/reward on an absolute scale. Executive Pay, in fact, all Pay, should be measured not on an Absolute Scale, but a Proportional Scale based on Value Added: Revenue generated, Cost Savings, Efficiency, etc. Yes, there are some horrendous allocations of pay to some shitty Executives such as the ailing Ford Motor Co officers(and that's all the media will rave about), but there are also pays/bonuses to execs that are inline or far less in proportion to Value Added than even the rank and file workers. The worker screwing in bolts on the conveyor belt will on average earn around 40K and not 2Mil, but the incremental amount of revenue brought in from the rank and file worker may be -10% to + 3% per 40K compensation, whereas the 2Mil exec may incrementally generate revenue of 20-30Mil, or 1000%. In such occurrences, you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you, ie) the exec generates the rank and file worker's salary. Or on the other hand, the lousy exec at 2Mil, will generate a -1000% return, such as the fools at Ford Motor Co. which wipes out a big portion of rank and file. I remember trading on a minimal salary, and generating 400% more for the firm, than my salary, but my bonus wasn't in line(that's a gripe). But when you hear of lavish bonuses from say, a Goldman Sachs(Goldman's Sac) you have to realize one cannot argue with Net Profit. Sure, she got $10Million last year. But she made the company $200Million, and so on…

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I Didn't Know That Was Part of Reparations... Why Are African-American Leaders Allowed to be Blatantly Racist and Openly Promote Segregation?

...Ooh, the 'R' word, and I avoided saying 'blacks'... Ooh, pamper me with political patronizing correctness... anyways, personally I don't care much about 'white guilt', I don't have it in my genes, my parents didn't come from Europe... and I'm not a blind fan of forced diversity either, has some good points, some bad points... but hypocrisy kills my gut... The biggest repercussion the Mayor of New Orleans gets for such comments(that chocolate nonsense): He's not labeled a Racist, or a Bigot, or a Segregationist... he's simply 'ECCENTRIC'. He's about as open minded as George Wallace, and that was in the 60's for crying out loud. Give me a fucking break...

...look just a tad bit deeper, you think that's 'helping the cause'? You're just subconsciously planting more self-destructive social seeds... Why isn't there your classic uproar over those statements, save for a few 'comedy' jibes on old-hat political comedy shows? Because somehow, it's Excusable and Okay for 'them' to say 'ignorantly inflammatory' things... is that because deep down inside, many of you really think they're immature and stupid? Probably not, more likely you're just [WIMPS]: Well-Intentioned Misguided Pussies (and that's my politically correct response)(I truthfully think you're simply gullible and void of independent analysis capabilities, some are spoon fed money, some are spoon fed ideology, the latter is much worse). Like slapping a child on the wrist for stealing... shit...

...sorta like when you see the now 'classic' Black and White couple in America... the White person is almost always perceived as more 'progressive', while the Black person is undoubtedly a 'sell-out'...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Shocking? Average American College Grads are Dumb? No shit...

Unless you had the discipline, hard work, and intelligence to graduate from a top twenty university or liberal arts college(which is a major sacrifice to your youthful years), or unless you weren't top 10% GPA in any other american college, than you probably don't know how to understand a fucking editorial, or balance a checking account. We all know that in the modern era, in America, the average undergraduate college education is just teenage angst prolonged for another four years. At Columbia, it was REQUIRED that you learn how to swim one lap, and tread water for 1 minute to graduate. Of course, more of a ceremonial thing, but give me a break... a certain form of liberal media is going to twist this story into this: 'Yeah, education is a waste, going to work after highschool is virtuous... get a job as a janitor, or welding and auto body repair, that is legit and teaches you real world responsibilty... Well, I actually don't DISAGREE with that spin, but the downside is, you'll lock in the rest of your life with no more progress, possibly stagnating the next generation after generation of your bloodline(if that is your optimum potential though, then awesome, it's perfect and even happy, but sometimes there's more in you)... 75% of american youth are straight up dumb fucks and maybe they should be more RIGID with getting into COLLEGE. As in, you need to have at least a fucking 1200 SAT to get into college, or be top 20 in your high school class. Doesn't matter how rich or how poor and minoric- affirmative action deserving you are... that's the cutoff. CUNY, one of the oldest municipality support higher educational enterprises has in fact started implementing an incentive of this manner. Of course, other 'educational institutions' will pop up, because 99% of American Colleges are a Business first. If they implemented these standards, trust me, the 'average college grad' would not only know how to lay bricks and run a garbage truck, but will also be able to perform quantum physics backwards...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Joseph Satriani is Universal Power Guitar and Only to Be Played Upon Positive Events...

A Fractal Shake-Out Junior... Sounds like an exciting kid's energy beverage...

The lower purple circle designates a secondary attemp to break through the 261.8% Fibo... it is a long tail with a close at the upper end of range... one goes long at the tail range of 1.2088, exits at the 20MA of the 3 Standard Dee's Bollinger Band...

A maximum drawdown of 2% for a conservative gain of 10%... and all that, within the time I listened to Joe Satriani's guitar solo used in TOP GUN 'theme song'.... that's about 4 minutes.

Hey Satan, They're Not Jews (Paid my dues) They Are Not A Rockin' Band

Guildmap with melange has allowed me to calculate the penultimate short term Fibonacci ellipse/retracement/fan...

A low risk, 100% return in 2 weeks... beat that Mr. Dow Jones and Ms. Nazdigga...

...if I could only accomplish this feat
with a million dollars... instead of one's months rent...

...that's what they call term insurance... pissing money away...
you do know that getting term insurance is only important when you're past 50. And less than 3% of term life insurance holders actually die during their term.... But it's fear, and most importantly 'love' of one's family that drives the term insurance market.

Classic FILLER Post...

Even with the most fisher price of trading platforms, I was able to get a client incredible fills on at least half of his position, but it's basically trying to race a suburu against a ducati... I had to actually 'slow down', pull my bids, let the offers fall hard(because I had a large bid that they were using as support), and then a few pennies lower, I piecemealed them for 500, 1000, 500, and then the anti-alex placed a large offer, basically to cap the market, and he didn't think that there was anybody out there with 'real executable size' as in, someone really wants to buy or sell a lot... So I slammed him for 4500 shrs, and he's probably knocked out cold somewhere, because the price action is up 3% after I took his offer, leaving him short at 10.79, leaving my client long at 10.79 and the current price action is 10.86.

Oh, yeah, better to use Curious frequencies for such topics. Stock was rather thin. I ended up getting filled on 90% of the position. So that was good enough. But that's just really adept trading combined with the proper price action and order flow via a lot of long term investors, and I could only identify about 3 traders in the mix, one of which I knocked out.

...but feel like I'm fading away into a peaceful nothingness... disappearing... it's okay...

Monday, January 16, 2006

I Must Do An Initially Hurtful Thing...

Overall, these things make me sad... i fear i'm writing this in a foreboding misery... logic that I tried to mask by going with Mum and the kids to the park and speaking with the ducks and geese, nonetheless, I taught Hayheehoo at a young age to reflexively approach all encounters with frequencies, methodologies, and especially popular opinion or social sentiments, with a healthy level of skepticism. I also made sure she didn't fall into the destructive habit of 'disparaging' what she admired or aspired to, but could not attain... As such, she learned the positive methods of preserving one's integrity, and does not fall into the 'subconscious' traps of detrimental ego protection... She's learning the difference between identifying healthy dependencies, and detrimental dependencies(both material and non material)...like good spending and bad spending, and not just money, but more importantly, 'energy'. This goes along the lines of 'conspicuous consumption' (whether you have the means and especially if you don't), and moreover, 'Conspicuous Non-Consumption', which is the ironic high maintenance processes it takes to adhere to a standard of living that is contrivingly low maintenance and even dangerous to long term progress, in the hopes of achieving a childish idealism or fit into a retarded self-destructive image of common rebellion, or the romantic notion of virtue in absolute peasanthood , which is simply an equally fatal extreme. The only real equalizer amongst humans is first, the acknowledgement of one's current place and a reasonable forecasting of one's future potential, and thereupon, the optimizing of one's natural ability to generate progress in one's sphere of control; and Only in that sense, is man created equal... It's a difficult but important pill to swallow... No more blind handouts and handjobs... advocates of blind handouts to the supposedly 'downtrodden' or 'oppressed' don't even realize that one of the reasons why they feel this way is because they subconsciously 'look down upon them'... Hayheehoo does not, and her porcelain will endure far beyond my flesh...

She has no choice but to rip the head off of fairy idealism and shit down its neck...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sometimes Some Okay News in the World...

So I remember back in over a decade when crunching life insurance ledgers 'ranting' because I was 'young', about Brazil and its Government Controlled monopoly on the RE-insurance sector(the IRB Brazil Re). I said, sure, maintain the centralization and consistently gain 10% a year, while Brazil overall gains about 2%... OR... privatize and allow competition(as in, don't be pussy and free up inflow/outflow) and IRB Brazil Re might gain 7-8% v 10% for a few years, but since Brazil overall population will gain 8% v 2%, your surrendering of 2% through privatization, will eventually generate your previous 10% THREEfold as standard of living augments... that's progress when it's lift all, instead of bring all down to SHIT... ie)the mudhut fuckers...

...now, in 2006, IRB Brazil has ousted its leader, and installed somebody not just 'smart', but 'wise' (I would like to think), because 'real' (raay al) inflation is going to slaughter the return IRB get's on their premium return from US treasury...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

When JFK returns... Three Things Will Take Place...

1) Johnny Fitzgerald Kennedy will be Frat Brothers with Bush. (read up on his major administrative addendums, a 95% correlation with G.W. Bush)
2)He will strangle Ted Kennedy, manhandle Ted Kennedy, and also left hook Harry Belafonte.
3)Al Sharpton, will own another fleet of limos, because the bottom line is, he's not stupid, he will first make sure he takes care of the next four generations of his family before spending any effort on the 'oppressed'.

So to the Left and Right I ask: What is the definition of 'revolution'?


That's why humans proliferate so quickly... because the achievement of Pure Virtue equates to Extinction.

...help yourself, blind faggots... sure, rage against the machine, only to realize that your rage is being implanted by another 'soft bigotry machine'...(but that's okay, because it's the Machine-machine man establishment, that put the machine blind fury into you)... bring everything down to shit... trust me, leaders will still rise, some good, some bad...

You have a C word that you play like the Ace of Spades... it's called 'Conspiracy'... I have a C word that I play like Trip Aces: CUNTS

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I've Never Heard of 'the Establishment' Forcing Someone At Gunpoint to Have Multiple Kids they Can't Afford...

Never... and never will... I've heard of the Opposite...
...so I'm sorry, even if I were of the 'type' that always pulls out the 'meaningless' card of 'I have eight kids to feed'... type of lethargic selfish irresponsible shit... I would be pissed the fuck off at that whining answer to the reason why they don't take responsibility unto themselves... same goes with the 'I got CHILD SUPPORT... shit'.... Yeah, Parents who don't fall under Child Support, actually put TIME and EFFORT into supporting their children(and will avoid divorce at least till age 18 because their children come first), instead of spending cash on drinking and smoking pot every night... I WOULD LOVE to just have a FUCKING MONTHLY DEBIT of $20 bucks out of my bank account, and NEVER have to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for my CHILD... seriously, that' s what it is... the court says,'You're obviously too lazy or incompetent/selfish to take care of the human that you selfishly/irresponsibly/can't control one's dick/cunt, brought into existence, so we'll make it EASY for you, you retard, we'll just automatically do the checking account balance for you... faggot pussy.'

... aside from this perpetual pussy excuse... the picture shows cereal bars that help in the development of 'Strong Bones'... this shit kills me, and will KILL ME... because I know for someone the age of Curious, yeah, it might add a fair amount of calcium, and not just calcium, but 'FUN CALCIUM' YEAHHH!!!! AWESOME!!!! Daddy!'.... but HAY eats them too, and she's way too OLD to utilize that first initial INFLUX of Calcium to have any lasting effect...

...I'm ready to fucking expire.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

China(the 2nd Largest Holder of U.S. Bonds) to Flood Market with U.S. Treasuries... Why? Because They Can...

Hay kept rooting for the New York 'StingRays' to win the wildcard, and I said, noooo, there's no such thing as the StingRays, silly... but she persisted by wearing a makeshift stingray costume and kept flapping her wings during the Giant's game... I had had enough, so me and mum took Curious and walked up through Riverside park from 69th to 115th street, careful to avoid the Grey Goblin that blows 'headache' spores at you along the Led Zeppelin looking wilderness of the dirt path and tall cathedral arching trees and branches...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Forget the Hearse, Because I'll Never Die...

unfortunately... so unfortunately... Eur/Usd before the pullback, and weaker Non-Farm Payrolls at 830am, will first go to 1.2150.... the support is at 1.2085 right now...


...This Ain't My Beautiful House...

water flowing underground...
time isn't after us...

Usd/Yen can't hold over 1.16
Eur/Usd can't fall under 1.21

you'd think it would be, but this is now getting very fundamental...

No We Have Nothing In Common, No We Can't Dance Together...

Fannie Mae skyrockets when accounting probe turns up nothing.... A little overzealous you liberal cynics? Not everyone is as pathetic as Enron... you latch onto a theme, and it's like your bloodline... grow up, grow up now and open your mind...

Alas, I will sit and take my ransom from up here...

It's nice to return home to nothing every now and zen...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

...They Left Their Childhood, On Every Acre...

So we went to see Captain Jack...when following pop sheet music on the piano or keyboard mainly, it's really conducive to simulate Billy Joel... unlike classic rock tributes where it becomes overly loud and blurred, the Big Shot band was a 'hit' and acoustically within 90-92% harmonious with Billy Joel recordings especially with melody and even the slight italian geeky alto of the vocals. I went with Duncan and Hay... Duncan kept requesting 'Rocket Man' as a joke (or so he said)... in related news:

Prescient Headline: January 21st, 2006: BLACK DOG(Led Zeppelin Tribute at BB Fucking Kings!) And, the Real Blue Oyster Cult... for real...

I also after the show bought some ramen noodles from a guy in the corner deli who's not Japanese, but looks like a skinny Hideki Matsui.

Need more Led Zeppelin Tribute Bands... but this will have to do...

I have two reading clip-on lights, and when used together they offer a great spectrum of uniform distribution upon the pages at night... It also looks like a spacehip with twin engines where I can take off into the magic of cosmic geekdom...

So anyways, I might continue my solo tour of Tribute Bands, with Big Shot, the Billy Joel tribute band tonight Jan 01, 2006... once again at B.B. Kings... there's also a Van Halen(Unchained) tb that plays on tuesday... but I don't think Mum wants to go, but maybe Duncan will want too...